Lonely Julie Chapter 12 Last Chapter

Chapter 12 Lonely Julie Last Chapter When the 11 year olds Mandy and Timmy had headed for the beach Julie and Sally went with the 14 year old boys Terry and Hank, who was Mandy’s brother. The girls slipped their T shirts and shorts off and told the boys to take off their shorts as … Read more

Teacher’s Pet_(0)

Jimmy was always a hyperactive child. Even in his mother’s womb. She went through many months of his kicking and fighting to get out. Especially after his birth he demanded a lot of attention. The only way anyone could get any sleep was for his mother to hold him close and put one of her … Read more

my beautiful step mom birthday story

It was my 16th birthday. I wasn’t planning on doing much. Just have cake and ice cream. With a few family and friends. My dad had gone to the coast on a fishing trip. It was six o’clock and a few guest were arriving . To my surprise one of my step mom’s coworker’s and … Read more

The Milf Next Door

Hi I’m Sam and I live in a really small town with my parents, my dad owns the local car dealership. And my best friend Rob and his family live next door. Me and Rob were in the pool one afternoon when he told me his parents were sellin the house and moving to be … Read more


Chapter One Layaway Vito lay across the bed, his pants peeking below his bright blue boxer briefs. His mind drifting into the fantasy. He caressed his briefs gently. Placing his hand over his hot member. In his mind, a woman stood up. Only her back was visible. She slowly bent down, slipping her black panties … Read more

My Sister’s Lotion pt. 3

The next few days were frustrating to say the least. Not much conversation or eye contact was exchanged between Jenn and me, and weirdly enough, I began to miss her bitchy banter. She had been gradually less and less of a cunt after she began using my cum as lotion on a nightly basis, but … Read more

Jack’s Internship – Part 2

In part one you became acquainted with Jack, Debbie, Sara, and Donna. Jack continues his blue ball internship. Debbie and Jack develop a very special relationship that just might get Jack in big trouble. Now you also meet Lisa, Sara’s special friend. LISA’s arrival I arrive at the apartment at about 10 15. I can … Read more

Miss Smith and I

Dazed, I lay there listening to my alarm clocks blunt monotonous drone. I lifted my hand above my head, feeling around for the button that would shut it off. After several seconds of fumbling around in the dark, I hit it. I pulled the covers off my body and sat up. Through a foggy window, … Read more

The Wrecked Life: Mom

My mom is the best in the whole world. Ever since dad died, weeks after I was born, she took good care of me. In my early childhood, people tend to laugh at me, the fatherless kid. But mom told me it’s ok. She said I shouldn’t take what those pricks said into account. She … Read more

Former Playboy Playmates Part 9: Tiffanie’s True Desire_(1)

Tiffanie’s first and second stories drive home the fact that all the moms in my literary universe love black cock BUT there is one cock they love far, far more.  This story is about Tiffanie no longer running from her taboo and perverse desire for her son. This story begins immediately after her first one ends.  No … Read more

My Mom Ended My masturbation Count (Part 2)

Mom still told me nothing about her job or her career. I could not help but put the bits and pieces together to get some idea of what mom was actually doing. I believed she was first trained and then worked as an analyst of informations and other inputs from operatives in the field. Then … Read more

Squeak! Squeak!” Sounds of a Good Whore!!!”

Squeak! Squeak!” Sounds of a good Whore!!!” It was a dark Friday evening, just a little passed 10pm. I had been sitting in my patrol car all night. I looked around outside. I could see a light out above the old gas station. It was your typical slow boring, small town night. I had moved … Read more