Marilyn F. 2

A month or so after Barb’s cunnilingus massage episodes; I received a call from Barb’s friend, hair stylist and confidante. She said the old legs and feet needed more of my magic touch. I told her it’s been a while and she agreed. I suspected Barb and Marilyn had been talking about their sessions with … Read more

A Snowy Mounatin Road Part 2

Chapter 2 Linda woke up as the sun began to rise, casting an orange cast over the inside of the car where they had slept soundly, despite the freezing cold. She almost didn’t realize that Harlan’s cock head had somehow ended up just inside her lips (considering the position they were still in, she blamed … Read more


“My name is Rudi. I am a black African from a former French colony. I had a black mother and a French father so I have many French aspects to me. Especially the French penchant for kinky sex. I have lived in Switzerland for many years. I am at your disposal if you so desire. … Read more

Spawn of the Olympians : Part 4

Blinking into his domain under the earth, Hades stands on the stone plinth outside the gates to the underworld. Looking over the edge he contemplates once again on taking that step and plunging down the thousands of feet, to quite possibly his death. Turning away from the edge he looked over to the only side … Read more

My Teacher_(0)

I took latin for 3 years in high school. I was kind of a nerd or dweeb or whatever you want to call it. I wasn’t really unpopular but I didn’t play sports, I was kind of a class clown. I was on the quiz bowl team. At 17 I still hadn’t had sex with … Read more

Curious Siblings (Part 2) Mom Helps

I looked at Alice, and took her by the hand as we walked towards the shower. Both a complete mess. Still shaking from the experience, trying to process what had just happened. We walked into the bathroom and paused as we saw our reflections in the mirror. Both releasing a devious smile, knowing what we … Read more

Marilyn F.

Two years after meeting Barbara M., I was introduced to a good friend of hers. My massages had not progressed beyond massage. All my work was above the board and by the book. It wasn’t until later that things changed. Marilyn was another recommendation from Barbara. Marilyn was a hair stylist at the salon where … Read more

In the Heat of the Night

Anne walked back to her car after the big concert. Her ears still rang with the music of it. She lit a cigarette that illuminated the darkness around her, making her chestnut hair shine. She was a pretty quiet woman, 20 years of age. Just as she got her cigarette lit good and going, it … Read more

Alternative Trio Pt. 2 (The New Practice Space)

During that Summer we continued to rehearse as a band often, nearly every day. There were times when we had very serious practices, and others when the girls and I just had sex and didn’t touch an instrument. But we still took our music very serious. It was like the sex was the icing on … Read more

Warming up Mom’s Bed

Warming up Mom’s Bed – Nightowly (2019) Mom got pregnant when she was 15, so Mom & Dad quit school & got married. As a drop-out Dad couldn’t get jobs that paid well or lasted long, so we moved often as Dad changed jobs. We were dirt-poor and stayed in various cheap rental houses or … Read more


“She had asked her man if she could have two boys in their early twenties for her sexual pleasure, no fucking, just outer sex, oral sex only, though as we both know that leaves lots of exciting possibilities. He was very keen on the idea, she told me and he promised to make suitable arrangements. … Read more


Ten years ago I was still very naive in matters sexual, though even then I realized my cock was much larger than other boys my age when comparing in the locker rooms of my sporting team mates. Boys will be boys and a number of them made lewd and suggestive, though flattering comments about my … Read more

Spen and the ballet dancer

Spen gave Jack the standard 10 dollar fare for the ride up the track from Jack’s store to the scattering of houses at the cliff edge. It was the only place he knew where the local taxi was an ancient four-wheel-drive pickup. It was about 100 yards to walk down the path from the track … Read more

Hot Night With My Son’s Friend Alex

My son used to bring Alex over to our house when he was younger. Even at 14 years old, his toothy grin and cheerful disposition made everyone around him feel good. We passed each other in the hall during his sleepovers at our house and when I made breakfast for all the kids the next … Read more

A Maternal Comfort (Part Two)

The next morning. I woke up in Julia’s bed and she wasn’t next to me. She had let me sleep in. I went downstairs and there’s no one there, either. I hear laughter outside, in the back yard. I walk over to open the sliding door and I see Julia and my little brother playing. … Read more

Latin Neighbor

Latin Neighbor My beautiful, Latin neighbor, made growing up enjoyable. She was 6′ 1″ tall, and had a figure to die for, at 34 years of age. Maria’s breasts were cocoa colored and about the size of a pineapple each. Her ass was even more impressive. It was huge!!! Standing outside, with only a bikini … Read more

My Milf Foot Fantasy Cumming True by

My Milf Foot Fantasy Cumming True A story for a naughty milf 😉 Underneath the steamy surface our movements were hidden by the foamy bubbles from the tubs jets. Her body jerked slightly as she felt my hand grasp he beautiful smooth foot (one of her many attributes but my personal favorite). Blinded by the … Read more