Male / Older Female
Sibling reunion leads to new relationship
Chapter 1 : Introduction Heads up : This chapter is sll about the build up and does not have any sex in it. I can’t say I really understand why my parents wanted children, my sister, Jessica, and I spent our childhood being looked after by a continually changing line of baby sitters and child … Read more
Harry Potter and the Succubi Club Ch 2
Harry walked down the halls of the cold house as he looked desperately for Tonks. It had been three nights since his last sexual thrill from her. That had also been the first and only time she visited his room during the night. In fact, he hardly saw her around the house after that. The … Read more
“Yes, you know I could handle that, I always reply, knowing that would be exciting for her, very exciting – and me. We have followed through a number of times with two men, usually much younger. Always a buzz for me watching my naked lady pleasuring and being pleasured by two men. Most of the … Read more
My Photogenic Mom Chapter 1_(1)
1 Michael could not believe his luck, a beautiful spring day like this and he got out of school early because the air conditioning system broke. On the other side of the coin, his closest friends were on the ball team so the coach held them at school for extra practice. He realized that the … Read more
Fun with my mother-in-law
Im a 22 year old guy who just like most other guys is always eyeing up loads of women. Since the age of 16 I have had many sexual encounters with girls and for the last 20 of them I have started keeping a momento afterwards to remind me of the great fun we had. … Read more
A young guy. An older woman
We all of us enjoy sexual thoughts at one time or another and what follows is a fictional tale involving some of my own. I think I surprised even myself at how lengthy the story is becoming. It still has some way yet to go. Therefore, in order to maintain an interest I felt it … Read more
The trouble with Tess 2
Things really opened up between mom and I after that first encounter. I think one of my most memorable experiences after that first day came pretty much the next time. We were both out in the open now about wanting to fuck each other and at the same time trying like hell to get my … Read more
Momma’s Boy_(1)
Another Friday, brilliant. Fridays at my house usually meant 2 things, I’d be on my own for the best part of 8 hours and mum and dad would come home extraordinarily drunk, which of course meant they would have sex rather loudly in their room. Which didn’t help my sleeping pattern at all since my … Read more
Wet pussied aunty
Wet Pussied Aunty This incident happened a few months ago and from then I have changed my opinion about middle aged women leading apparently satisfying lives having a happy family. I am Raja, 24 in age and live in Calcutta. I have a friend named Shyam who is from a rich family. We have been … Read more
My Hot Boss
I have been working at this place for a while now. The boss is really hot. I went to work like normal, it’s a catering business and I have to do the cleaning, it’s a shit job but anyway. She always finishes her work a little bit before me, so she gets changed and comes … Read more
Step Mother Needs Saving_(0)
Bill came from a broken home. In fact his earliest memories are that of his parents divorce. So for the better part of his childhood and adolescents he accepted life as it was. Living with his mother on week days and spending weekends at his fathers house. Bill unlike most kids in his situation was … Read more
My 1st BBW Experience_(6)
Thank you Todd! Your welcome Mrs Robinson! I’ll be back to fix that closet door. Ok Todd, I’ll be here. I just finished cutting my neighbor Mrs Robinson grass. She’s 57. She looks good too for her age. 5’8 180 pounds. Her husband died from lung cancer 2 years ago. One of her … Read more
My Aunt_(1)
Hopefully this second story is more understandable than the first one I wrote. Ever since my aunt told me that she always dreamed about us having sex together, we have not done anything else together but sex. Two months had passed and we were still fucking each other. We were having trouble getting together my … Read more
Trailer Trash
Jared grabbed his bag and headed for the door. Before stepping out of the trailer he turned back and yelled towards his mom, “Hey, I’m leaving for my shift, I’ll be back around nine thirty.” He was already moving through the doorway when his mom called back, “Okay sweetie, Marg and I are headed to … Read more
Kirstie gets violated
“Morning sleepy head,” said Sarah as she set down a cup of coffee on the table beside her brother. Mark wearily opened one eye and began to sit up, screwing his face up in pain as he did so. “That sofa isn’t very comfortable is it,” winced Sarah, “but at least that was your last … Read more
A Hotel with Mum
Me and my mum had been driving for hours. We were driving across the country so mum could attend a business conference and I had gone with her to keep her company. Normally my sister, Alison, went with mum on these sort of trips but she had a ballet show back home so I had … Read more
Southern Hospitality Ch.01
Ash gawped at his mother, incredulous as to what she had just said. He understood the basic premise of what had happened, but the reasoning she must have had absolutely baffled him. “Why?! Why would you do that?!” He pleaded, voice light and desperate. She shrugged, looking across at him with a raised eyebrow, chewing … Read more
Internet Imagination
This story is 100% true, the first one like this I have written please comment … Internet Imagination College is supposedly the best years of your life, as many adults will attest to. You would think it would be the perfect place for sexual relations seeing as girls live just a few doors down. For … Read more
The Trouble with Tess 1
My Name is Jason, here is my story. I am 23 and up till this began happening was living in Chicago. I came from a nursing family I guess. It was always my moms greatest desire to have my younger sister Tess become a nurse like mom but I guess this comes in later on … Read more