Former Playboy Playmates Part 9: Tiffanie’s True Desire_(1)

Tiffanie’s first and second stories drive home the fact that all the moms in my literary universe love black cock BUT there is one cock they love far, far more.  This story is about Tiffanie no longer running from her taboo and perverse desire for her son. This story begins immediately after her first one ends.  No … Read more

My Mom Ended My masturbation Count (Part 2)

Mom still told me nothing about her job or her career. I could not help but put the bits and pieces together to get some idea of what mom was actually doing. I believed she was first trained and then worked as an analyst of informations and other inputs from operatives in the field. Then … Read more

Squeak! Squeak!” Sounds of a Good Whore!!!”

Squeak! Squeak!” Sounds of a good Whore!!!” It was a dark Friday evening, just a little passed 10pm. I had been sitting in my patrol car all night. I looked around outside. I could see a light out above the old gas station. It was your typical slow boring, small town night. I had moved … Read more

The Fairy God Mother – Happy Halloween

The Fairy God Mother – Happy Halloween… My parents were going out of town. My Dad always starts his vacation the week before Halloween. They won’t be back for a month. I didn’t ask were they were going this year. I was just happy to have the house to myself. I had just graduated High … Read more

Mrs Jenny my last.

Chapter one Shoping for a specific item. It was a sweltering hot day, and Phil walked through the parking lot of the mall, he fixed his sights firmly on the fine tight-assed woman walking just a few yards ahead of him. He watched her hips swaying from side to side as she struggled to keep … Read more

Jesse’s Mother-In-Law

Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. Thanks, and Enjoy. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has … Read more

Jon Snow And The Ladies of Westeros pt 2- Catelyn Stark.

Jeyne Poole could not put her finger on it but….Something was different about Sansa Stark. Since a few days ago, the eldest Stark daughter had changed drastically. Oh sure, she had long stopped trying to talk on and on about the endless new fashions and clothing from the south. She was no longer the innocent … Read more

My Photogenic Mom Chapter 6 by

6 Harold in the mean time had driven Karen home to her apartment. They went in and sat down on the couch. Neither had said anything on the trip back. Harold and Karen had been seeing each other for over three years now. They had started out innocently enough, Harold was upstate on business and … Read more

Former Playboy Playmates Part 7: Alyssa’s Journey

Chapter 1 Ulysses ran his fingers through Alyssa’s long, dirty blonde hair while she lovingly tended to his long, black cock. She kissed the tip, glancing at him, smiling softly. “You’re so good at that,” He smiled back. “You think so?” “I do,” he replied. Alyssa blushed, sitting up in bed, crawling to Ulysses’ face, … Read more

Blond boy and woman_(0)

At the time this happened I was 15 and in between my sophomore and junior year of high school. I’m blond and have brown eyes and I’m around 5’7. I’m a bit of a loner so I wasn’t doing that much that summer besides working, which I only did twice a week anyway. I spent … Read more

My Three Ladies

Part 1 Well I now have a different life than most my three ladies are, were or will be pregnant. It’s been 15 months now and they all wanted to get pregnant to me. So who am I that 3 women want my children? I’m Terry Stance. I’m 20yo, I live with my two sisters … Read more