Becoming Mommy’s Bitch Pt. 2

I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason… as I lay there, images from my dreams still filtered through my mind – moms big heavy boobs on my back, the flash of her crotch, and that combined sensation of pain and pleasure when she grabbed my crotch…ahhhhh As I came out … Read more

Horrors combined – Ch. 01 – The preparation

Horrors combined. Chapter 01: “the preparation” He spent his entire adolescence charmed by his one and only dream: (fucking his one and only dream-woman). Eighteen years, was his age when he first began admiring her sexy figure, and began fantasizing about her body. Twenty-three years is his age now, and he was just about to … Read more

Older Woman in Coffee Shop – Part 7

Recap: After pleasing Angella for hours, while in the dark and handcuffed to the bed, she finally decides it’s time to let him cum. James begs for the chance to please her with his cock, but she sees his begging as a form of manipulation. In order to teach him a lesson she placed a … Read more


Then serendipity, Jenna, one of my lady friends phoned with a similar story, her man is away and she promised him no fucking with other men. “Why don’t you come around tomorrow night for coffee Sarah and we can commiserate and compare notes. Perhaps we can talk about and relieve our sexual frustrations? No, I … Read more

Lust for nephew

Editor’s note: This is not my story, please understand that I did not write this story so I don’t take any credit. I had to translate this story into English so I apologize before hand if the story is hard to read, I did the best I could to translate it without any errors. It’s … Read more

What Happens Behind Closed Doors

Alright, let’s seeee heeeere…Got the seasonings, ketchup, honey mustard, tonight’s dinner, scented candles, my cherry almond lotion that I love so much because it’s the best lotion flavor to ever exist in the history of ever, I’ve got desserts, my wine, aaaand I think that should do- waaait, still gotta get the forks. That would’ve … Read more

Mommy knows best part 1

I slammed the door as I walked in; mom was sat on the couch as usual for this time of night. She looked over at me, “Oh, i thought you were staying at Lisa’s tonight” She said. “No, it didn’t go so well, I’m gonna go to bed” I replied as I sighed and went … Read more

Hot Teacher Enslaved (Pt. Three)

Three weeks now and Mrs. Lucy Harper, (43), the school teacher, was incessantly forced to submit to the gang’s pitiless orders to perform. She had no choice; she had to pay her teenage son’s $20,000 gambling debt – or else! At 20% interest per week! Poor Lucy had already lost 10 lbs from fear, stress … Read more

Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 6

I walked back into the dining room with a massive smile on my face, most of it genuine too. Even the conceited comments from Jason, just minutes earlier, didn’t bother me. If anything, I was more horny than angry; my pussy still on fire from the little exhibition I just put in front of my … Read more

14 – College Years 6 – My Summer

A lot had happened since I had gone to visit Alexa. In the last couple months, we had our spring break, written midterms, she had come to visit once more, and we had decided on what our future plans were. Because her school simply didn’t have a program that met what I was currently enrolled … Read more

Cumming to Life

Sweet lovable Sue and her angry with life husband Bob have been married for 25 years. Bob a white business man only into trophy’s and putting others under the rug, due to the fake macho i have money attitude passed down through generations,his heart was far from black it was deep white and void of … Read more

3 Evil Sisters-Part 2

The ringing of my alarm woke me up and lazily rolled over to shut it off. Upon rolling back I saw my beautiful sister Ashley only inches away from me, as naked as a newborn baby but with the biggest smile I’d ever seen on her face. I didn’t want to wake her up but … Read more