The Trip_(4)

This part of my ongoing fun with Jenn is our trip south for some Caribbean fun. The trip is with us two and Jenn’s friend I’ll call Cindy. I met Cindy one day a couple of weeks before the trip. Cindy stopped into Jenn’s place and they both then came over here to my place. … Read more

The Mind Control Device Chapter 1: Testing on the Twins

I peered through the magnifying lens as I carefully soldered the last component into the circuit board. It was careful work, a curl of smoke rising up as the flux evaporated. I touched the tip of the soldering iron with care, the liquid mix of lead and tin fixing the small capacitor in place. I … Read more

The Janitor: Part 4

“Have you really wondered why? Have you really wondered how? Im sure you’re keen to know…. but first, continue. Dont let my words stop you….” Those were the words he heard from the dream he lad last night. It was so terrifyingly wierd that he actually woke up in cold sweat. That voice. That same … Read more

Incestuous Harem’s Passion 2: Sisters Nurse Their Brother

I squirmed in the backseat of the unmarked cop car. Detective Salvage was driving, the young woman looking fierce with her mirrored sunglasses and pink lips. Her partner was much older, a shadow of whiskers about his face, his brown hair graying. He had the look of an experienced investigator. The type of man who … Read more

The Chauffeur (#18) John

When I woke Thursday morning, I was energized thinking about the event scheduled for tonight and the potential for the ‘after’ party. Looking at either side of me, both Dakota and Jennifer were facing away from me. Jennifer had kicked off all the covers off her body, whereas Dakota was all cocooned up in them. … Read more

Mr. Wilson’s Lessons

Bob Wilson was lying in a hammock, swinging gently in the breeze and watching Cindy mow his lawn. He worked out of his house, had few needs and could probably have retired if he’d wanted to. Gloria Drasny was his next door neighbor and Cindy was her daughter. Bob had known her since she was … Read more

Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 8: Sharing His Slutty Daughter

Deidre’s mind reeled as she stared at the swollen belly of her eighteen-year-old daughter, Alexis. Cindy and Mindy’s words that the two rapidly growing children inside Alexis were the true Gemini gods dazed her. That Alex and Alexis using the Halo was all part of Dr. Blavatsky’s plan was such a powerful revelation. Hope surged … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 11

CHAPTER ELEVEN 3RD FRIDAY Mike gets up at four and Nina wakes so he’s pleasantly delayed getting away to pick up Trudy until five. It’s twenty after six when he pulls up to her door. She comes bouncing out and says, “You want my help you’ve got to give up these morning pieces of tail … Read more

Bridezilla Brenda’s Beastly Brawl — Part 2 — The Brawl

Bridezilla Brenda’s Beastly Brawl Part 2 — The Brawl Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson — 26 years old, 5’10” tall 140 lbs — Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton — 27 years old, 6’2″ tall, 180 lbs — Groom. Physics graduate student. … Read more

Tribe – Part 2

Tarzan is still as erect and as hard as ever. As he rises from behind the girl he wraps his big right hand around the middle of his thick cock and slowly pulls it. He is horny and ready to go again. Who will it be next? Slightly to his right the huge wolfhound stirs. … Read more

Lisa, Gillian and Me – Part 2

In the second part things are becoming a lot more interesting. Please read part 1 first and watch for the third (and final) part. When rating please keep in mind the context of this entire true story. “There, problem solved” she announced. Obviously, any embarrassment from the candid photos was long forgotten. I glanced over … Read more

2300 Gathering Part II

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 1: STUDYING ABROAD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing has been the same since that night four months ago. Ever since Gwen introduced me to her family’s taboo and crazy lifestyle with the 2300 Gatherings, all I can think about is sex. Group sex. Kinky sex. It can be a bitter yet SUPER sweet feeling at times. … Read more

Making The Pefect Husband

MAKING THE PERFECT HUSBAND Mark agrees to participate in a research project a few weeks before his wedding. At the same time, his relationship with his fiancé takes a strange twist. Is it all just coincidence? Not Written by me. It’s a work of Joe Burante. CHAPTER 1: THE RESEARCH PROJECT Mark Jones was savoring … Read more


Part 1 Yufuin has a special place in Reina’s heart. It is where she spent her honeymoon, not her real honeymoon, that was Italy, but the Italian trip was so busy with sightseeing and shopping and eating everything in sight, by the time they returned to their hotel room each night she and Brad were … Read more

Coworker and her Daughter

This all took place way back in the mid 80’s back when I was young early 20’s in my first full time real job since leaving college. I had not had the job very long trainee account at large double glazing firm. Pay was Good back then as double glazing was the in thing at … Read more

Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 1: Mother Takes Charge

Deidre Icke, the president of the Institute of Apotheosis, shook her head as she stared at the camera feed of her two eighteen-year-old children each lying unconscious in separate storage rooms, locked inside and kept away from the others in the Institute. It was all falling apart. Guilt pressed down on her. Dr. Blavatsky entrusted … Read more