Broken Birds, Part 12, Reunion

Part 12 Reunion The days slipped by as Shoshana healed quickly. It was a strange time of suspended lives as the harem waited for Shoshana and Alice to heal. Each day they exchanged messages about dreams, hopes and fears. As the days passed, Beth became the leader of the women. Michael watched it, but did … Read more

Team Players (Part 3)

Part 3 Chapter 1 It was now coming up on Thanksgiving. The week previous, we did meet up with Mandy and Jim, and it was, to say the least, a very entertaining night. They brought with them a game. The game consisted of two boxes, with these tiles in each of them. One box told … Read more

Force Fisted

It was supposed to be a blind date. Definitely awkward, probably a waste of time, but hopefully not too bad. It wasn’t. I met him for dinner at his house. I was hesitant to go into his home alone, but my friend had told me he was a chef, so it made sense that he … Read more


MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 10 CONSPIRATORS I woke to my alarm as usual, groping in the dark for the off button. Another practice loomed ahead. Glancing at my computer as I dressed, I noticed both Rach and Lidia sleeping. I noticed Lidia was still wearing the t-shirt with my cum on it. … Read more

The Chauffeur (#37) Time For A Party

CHAPTER 1 As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear prepping for our FBI party on Saturday. She had both Bobby and Sammy sitting down multiple times with her going over the food list, making changes each time she sat with them. At some point, I just told them privately … Read more


PART II: ENCOURAGE THE SLUT CHAPTER FOUR: DOG AND BITCH TRAINING I remembered the reaction of the dogs when she released them last time so I knelt on the grass with my knees together and my ass on my heels. When I was satisfied, she opened the gate and pressed herself against the chain-link fencing. … Read more

Sexual distractions of the obscenely rich by

Yellow sunlight seeped through the thin curtains as Miriam Hargreaves sat at the antique vanity table in the corner of the grand bedroom, delicately applying her make-up. Wrapped in a fluffy bath robe and with her long, chestnut hair still wet from the shower, she applied the make-up deliberately and precisely. She was tall and … Read more

Raj and mila part II

We all got ready to look around Liverno City. It was almost noon time. Before we go out, Nila Used my ‘One sim card’ mobile to call her friend along with their parents in a’telecom’call to convince them. We disembarked from the ship but, the weather was not so favorable. We walked through the shopping … Read more

Jyll Part 3

Chapter Three- The past 24 hours have been a brain numbing whirlwind holy shit I need a drink kinda day. Last night I ended up literally plugging all three of my on-again off-again girlfriend’s 22 year old drunk daughter’s holes. Then spent the rest of the night and part of the morning guilt ridden only … Read more

The Bondage Club IV

Still in a blissful high from her recent orgasm, it took Kim a few moments to realize what Mistress Amanda said. “Yes it was wonder….wait, what did you say?” Turning to face the girl strapped down on the bench, “Kendall?” A flash of recognition suddenly became apparent and she moved towards the bench. “Quick, help … Read more

The Cherub’s deal.

My friends and I walked through the supposedly haunted abandoned house, the floor creaking as we tried to make each other jump. It was on the older part of town, I swore the place looked like the house from that IT movie but none of my friends did. I walked alone down a dark corridor … Read more

The Witches Brew

It took me months to get the balls to approach the old woman who lived in the shanty, hidden behind a wall of tangled trees, four miles at the end of a single lane mud and gravel road. The woman is supposed to be a witch, a Voodoo queen with knowledge and practice of the … Read more

Rule of Woman Chapter 2

Rule of Woman Chapter 2 When in Rome; Run The needle pierced skin as it slid into the flesh of Jared’s arm. Suppressing a wince, he watched as a petite female attendant in a lab coat push the plunger down. The liquid went painfully into the muscle of his arm. An arm that was sculpted … Read more