Godless and Faithless Chapter 3

Turns out the Forest God was not as good as Yazid at setting fail-safes. Dodging trees and branches was not that hard, and the zombies no longer chased them. Axel thought the zombies would have collapsed after the forest god died. They had escaped the forest and now traveled across rolling hills and farmland, looking … Read more

A guy and his……. ?(6) Surprises

A guy and his…….? (6) Surprises __________________________________________________________________ Jake dressed and followed an almost breathless Mary back to her desk. He watched her well proportioned ass bounce and twitch as they made their way there. Sitting down at her desk she reached into her drawer and handed him a small card. “That’s my private home number, … Read more

Not quite family but close

I was happily married to my husband, when my brother-in-law asked if he could stay with us for a while as he needed to move out of home as he wanted to live with his new girlfriend (let’s call her Amy) who had to move from her unit. My brother-in-law and I had always been … Read more

Playground Sweeties

Fbailey story number 556 Playground Sweeties Oh how I loved those playground sweeties and I don’t mean their little daughters either. Young children have young mothers, generally. Being a single parent I took every opportunity to visit all of the parks in our town. For a small out of the way community we had four … Read more

A Jessie McClintock Story – GHOST

Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain. Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour. The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame. Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid. It was the stares. The inescapable feeling that everyone … Read more

Surviving Dawn Part 2

I’m startled awake, one of the girls’ begins to rustle in the hay. It feels like the sun should be coming up soon, until I look at my watch and realize that it’s only 3:30. Luckily, the moon is bright and I can see the fog rolling in off of the hills; Stephanie steps out … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10, Chapter 9: Betrayed

Knight Angela – Dominari’s Lair, Despeir Mountains The goddess’s words struck me like a blow. The white light washed over me, assaulting me with truth and… I witnessed. King Edward IV of Secare groaned and gasped as he lay on his back, a youthful maiden of fiery hair riding his cock. Around him, three other … Read more

The Bounty Hunter 2

When you awoke the next morning, Nyajih was asleep on your right as Nakiti slept on your left on the floor of the cave. Nakiti couldn’t travel on foot after your butt loving action, so you decided to rest until the next morning. It was almost dawn and you want to head out as soon … Read more

Lisa, Gillian and Me

Introduction: For a bit of background on my wife, Lisa, and me please read 20 Questions (posted in three parts). During many years of marriage, there will be a few times when something spectacular happens. This is one of those times and is one of the reasons I will never step out on my wife. … Read more

What Mary gets up to…… part 3

One of the other suites was occupied by Pastor Richards and his wife, picking up on something I had overheard my mother and father say, he wasn’t a proper priest or anything like that he preaches at one of these new modern churches, his wife is very quiet but masculine in stature. Pastor Richards is … Read more

Wife Watching @ Bach. Party

I will start by telling about us, and the others involved, the names are changed to protect the not so innocent. My name is Ray I am about 5’10” and about 220#, my wife is Ann and very petite at less than 5′ and under 100#, she has a very athletic figure and 34C boobs … Read more

Wife, Sister-in-law, Me an unexpected threesome Pt 1

Ding ding – there it was again, the most annoying text sound on the iPhone. Endless…all I wanted to do was relax on the couch, watch some TV and unwind. But apparently someone wanted my wife’s attention and one text led to another to another to eventually a full on barrage of texts. Quickly getting … Read more

The Other Side of the Family

As I walked inside our front door, I heard Francine call from the kitchen, “Darlin’, we have company.” I went to the kitchen doorway and saw a tall redheaded woman sitting at the table with Francine. “Darrell, meet my sister in law Norma,” Francine introduced us. Norma stood up to shake my hand. Her curly … Read more

It’s Good to be King (3)

It’s Good to be King Chapter 3 The end of the day was welcomed by me alone. I felt creepy all over. I had to explain to the whole gathering of women something that, under normal circumstance, would’ve been explained by their parents decades ago. It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if it had … Read more

Teaching my daughter a valuable lesson

As I returned to my office at 12:30 on the dot, I noticed that all of the upper management staff had taken off for the rest of the day, to get a headstart on the 3 day holiday weekend ahead of us. When I looked around and saw that I was one of the only … Read more