Family Harvest: Re-planting seeds within the same soil (Chapter 3)

Family Harvest: Re-planting seeds within the same soil Chapter 3: Two Jewels Years passed, and the year was now March, 2017. Isaac was now 14, 5ft.2; 160 pounds; black hair; dark skin; and brown eyes. Esther was now 14, looked like my Mom; 5ft.2; 160 pounds; had B-cup breasts; black hair; dark skin; and brown … Read more

The Unexpected Guest

My master had been working with me for weeks now on my obedience, discipline, and complete submission to him. Things were rough in the beginning. He had been testing my limits and all the different ways to pleasure me that made it pleasurable for him as well. I thought I had finally gotten used to … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 14: Karen’s Decision

Chapter Fourteen: Karen’s Decision “Hi, Alice,” Mrs. Martin greeted me. The Martins were my eleven o’clock appointment. I was showing the couple a house in Spanaway; a cute, light gray rambler with mauve trim. After I showed them the house, for the third fricking time, I would be free for my afternoon date with Mary … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 22

It finally stopped raining around 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I sat up to look around. I was in a park just blocks away from Disneyland. I stood up to stretch until my chest decide it had other reasons as to not to. I looked across the way to see a convience store open. … Read more


RAISING PETER, Chapter Six (cont.) (Part 2, The McNevin family) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** This a total work of fiction. The story includes incest, bi-sexual, group sex and water sports, among other things. If you are offended with these subjects, this is not the story for you. If you’re reading just to make smart remarks about the errors … Read more

John’s on the farm with his Aunt and Cousin – Part 1

A few days after making his decision, John worked like a machine, repairing fences, and didn’t’ stop until the sun went down. By the time he got back from the field, a heavy rainstorm had started to unleash its fury, and he was completely soaked. His Aunt had dinner waiting, and he wasted no time … Read more


Redemption It was 7:30 on a Monday evening in May. I had just finished my last class of the semester at the community college. At 42, I was going back to school to learn a new career being unemployed during this economic downturn. I had to stop at Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of … Read more

Confessions of a Male Escort_(1)

Confessions of a Male Escort I want to tell you my story, it’s one with a bit of everything… But a fair amount of sex, but before we get dirty I need to give you some Backstory and some context to let you know how I got to where I am now. My Name is … Read more

Amish No More – Chapter 3

The week that Martha would be released to me had finally arrived and I would be going alone to Arthur’s Estate in Martha’s Vineyards to get her and waiting for Arthur to return from a business trip in Australia. Martha would be waiting for me there and in the event that he was delayed, I … Read more

A timely cum uppance, part 1

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jake, and I am a nerd. I don’t look like a nerd. I look like an NFL linebacker. At 6’4, I have a thick muscular chest, small waist with washboard abs, and slightly bowed legs. I didn’t get this body from going to a gym. No, this … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 39

It’s been a weird couple of weeks since Father’s Day. My family has been coming together supporting one another. There has been a few other changes which have caught my eyes…Simone and Vanessa. Both have well been flirting with me, and showing me affection other then a niece to her uncle. I have been a … Read more