CAW 22 Entry: Gaussian Distribution.

“Where are we?” “Göttingen, it said.” “Where’s that?” “I have absolutely no idea.” “At least it looks like there’s somewhere to stay.” In hindsight, traveling across continental Europe had not been a good idea. The Napoleonic wars were raging around, I just wish my history had been more inclusive, then I might have avoided this. … Read more

Ladies Circle part 5 by

As usual, when Joe got home from work that night he interrogated Nicky about her day. She told him it was the usual routine but she glossed over her trip to Angela’s. She was still buzzing from the experience, especially watching Caroline and Angela together after she had brought Caroline off. She was slightly jealous … Read more

Editing Reailty Book 2, Chapter 2: Midnight Surprise

My wife quivered beside me as the app had its three charges back. I had things to take care of. After enjoying Yumiko Itou with my wife in the nurse’s office, I had vowed to help the pregnant girl. Her parents would not be thrilled that their daughter was pregnant. They were a conservative family, … Read more

The Property Problem

This is my first story. Remember: Your ratings decide weather I make a part 2 or not! Max is a real estate agent, and he has just discovered that his new client will pay millions for the property connected to a Kristen McLaren’s residence. He has talked to her on the phone once before, and … Read more

the warrior revenge chapter 1

Warrior Revenge (This is my second story and I made story better and more interesting and please comment below hope this story entertains you.) (This is important, read this) There in the time of the dark ages there was a brave and tuff warrior, some thought he was their savoir sent from the gods others … Read more

Aux Ed – Part Three

Note: this is a continuation of Aux Ed and features sex between adults and young teens. If you are offended, please do not read further. As always, comments are always appreciated. ————————– Aux Ed – Part Three John Burke now officially loved his job. Not only did he get to help form young minds, but … Read more

The World’s First Futa 04 – Futa’s College Cheer 2: Futa’s First Naughty Pep Talk

April 17th, 2047 “September 15th, 2018 was a memorable game in NCAA college football history,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said. She sat beside me on the interview couch, the studio audience watching on with breathless anticipation. “It was the first time an act of futa-sex was broadcast on any national television signal, whether … Read more

It Started At The Pool

It Started At The Pool Since my divorce (7 years ago) I’ve been dating, but have managed to not find anyone that I’ve been interested in sufficiently to marry or have a permanent commitment with. Within the past year, that had changed as the relationship I’m in with a wonderful woman I met at the … Read more

Package Deal 2

Package Deal 2 (Characters and base plot by Impax) Shellie, 21 yr-old older sister. Lauren, 17 yr-old little sister. Rick, me Shellie’s fiancé. Summary of part 1: I broke the news to Lauren that I’d proposed to her sister, her only family left in the world, and asked her to move away with us to … Read more

Gamelive: Chapter 2 Part 1

Okay, this is my second entry. This installment is mainly setting up a little story and introducing characters. Sorry in advance to any of you that are disappointed. Please comment and critique as you feel is needed. Thank you. Hope you enjoy. You will follow the character as he bounces through games. This is Fan … Read more

The Eleventh Elven Elevation Chapter 3 ©

Hello again Cindy, hello again Alex. Good morning. Did you have a good night sleep? No? Did you party? What? You had an all-nighter? Well, never mind. I have some good news. The Queen has awoken from her predicament. She has felt Cindy becoming pregnant. Apparently, your impregnation worked as a counterbalance to her being … Read more

Family Affairs (Aunt Christina Pt. II) (Ch.4)

I want to thank everyone for the feedback and the suggestions. I’m truly glad that you’re enjoying this story. With that said, here is part IV, Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it! 1/14/2013. Family Affairs (Aunt Christina Pt. II) I went down to the garage and brought the ’65 back up. It … Read more


The sky was lit up with stars. the night drive in my bran new car seemed to fly by. I was cruzing along when I seen it. Flashing red lights in my mirror. Fuck I mumbled under my breath as I looked down. 20 miles over the speed limit. Not too shabby but I knew … Read more

Babies Anonymous

Babies Anonymous By Gail Holmes & Nemasis Enforcer “You have to be joking, whoever heard of such an idea. Baby clinics, I mean to select the father or mother of you’re baby. Chris this is unreal!” Judy exclaimed. “There is many a girl or fella for that matter, they don’t want to get married, they … Read more

Editing Reailty Book 1, Chapter 13: Nudism Unlocked

Becky Davis I slouched into the house after a long day at my college. Tonya had ignored me all day. I thought she enjoyed what I did to her yesterday. Did this ever happen to Mom when she seduced a woman she was friends with? Did she have women who freaked out and then wanted … Read more

Desert Motorcycle

‘Oh dear’, you think as you get out of your car. You have paid a visit to a girlfriend who lives on the edge of the Bad Lands. Heading for home you took a wrong turn somewhere and now were in the middle of the desert. When you turned around on a dirt road to … Read more

Capt. James T Kirk and the 5 hour erection.

The Enterprise had orbited the planet Donovan 4 for three days and landing parties had found it a very pleasant place. It was somewhat Earthlike with a 50/50 ratio of land to water. The temperature near the equator, where they had landed, was averaging around 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and only going down … Read more

The Girl on the Video, Parts IV – VI

PART IV Megan pulled up Brenda’s OnlyFans page and logged in. My aunt had an extensive collection of pictures and videos engaged in a wide variety of sex acts. One thing I had to admit, my aunt was hot and she knew what she was doing when it came to selling sex. There were toy … Read more

New Neighbors-pt.1

The New Neighbors After living in a small town for around 30 years my wife took a job an hour away in the city. I was ready to move anyway so we bought a house about 10 miles from her work and we moved. We have been here a year and we have great neighbors … Read more