A Family Betrayal Chapter 27

Writer’s Note’s: Due to real life this will be the last post for about a few weeks due to Internet. So once I have Internet again I will post the next chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience. Now I give you Chapter 27. Mandy’s POV: “ Jasmine and everyone I would like to introduce our father … Read more

Sinuosa, Planet of Female Aliens

Sinuosa, Planet of Female Aliens The following is the document I received, relating the story of a previous document that its author in turn received… Scrawled notes from my late colleague Blackwood were all I had to guide me. They existed only in a tattered leather-bound volume, chronicling in his own hand the final journey … Read more

Homecoming Chapter 4

Chapter Four “What Have You Done?” Mrs. Benson stood on my front porch with a look of contempt that I have never seen before. She looked at me like I was a murderer and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Mr. Snead, what is going on?” she asked, her voice dripping disdain. … Read more

Chicago Love

This past summer I took a trip to Chicago with a few girlfriends. It was fun and I enjoyed it. The whole reason we went on the trup was so I could get my mind off of things for a few days. I had been feeling down after a resent break-up and wasn’t really acting … Read more

Good Girl- Part 1

Parking the car I could see mistress standing in the window waiting for me. She was still dressed in her work clothes, she was a very good looking woman and with wickedly pleasure full ways. Mistress saw me park and moved away from the window. I walked up to the porch, where I had wonderful … Read more

Wow, what a deal

This started about two months ago. I came home from work on a Tuesday to find my wife, Cindy, and her friend, Diane, sitting on the couch. Diane was in tears, sobbing almost uncontrollably on my wife’s shoulder. My wife could see me and just waved me off. I knew what she meant and since … Read more

My neighbour Jessica

My name is Ryan and when I was growing up I would go over to my neighbour’s house after school until my parents got home from work. My neighbour Jessica was in her 30’s and single which was probably why my parents and her liked to hang out. I loved it there because she would … Read more

Teen Titan Chronicles 2

Introduction: What those kids really get up to I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the … Read more


We could not get enough of each other. Texting of what was to come, calling if possible. All the movies we never saw the ending. Driving while our hands would be everywhere but where they should have been. Concerts that seemed we was the main attraction. getting hollered at “GET A ROOM!”. Goodnight kisses that … Read more

The Battered Lamp Seven: The Jealousy of the Witch

Monday, January 18th – South Hill, Washington “So this is the wife?” Britney asked when she opened the door of Kyle’s car. “Yeah. Aaliyah, this is my best friend, Britney.” The Genie smiled, turning around and extending her hand into the rear seats were Britney squeezed in next to Chyna. Fatima was on the other … Read more

The Challenge 5: Lisa’s Family

The Challenge 5: Lisa’s Family Chapter 1 Lisa put her long, dark brown hair in a ponytail, grabbed and lit a cigar, and slowly slid herself into a nice, hot bath. Smiling as the hot water enveloped her small, 5’2” body, she sucked on the cigar, savoring the taste. “My doctor would tell me not … Read more

The Camp Nurse, part 1

BLAM! I heard the blast of the shotgun and my military training took over. I dropped my bags and hit the dirt and rolled to my right, away from the sound. I took inventory of my body, checking for wounds as I scurried for cover behind a slight rise in the terrain as it sloped … Read more

It Started At The Pool – Part 4

It Started At The Pool – Part 4 I you haven’t read the first three installments, you might want to do so to get the background of what has transpired with Greg, Cindy, her daughter Jen, and her friend Diane. Part 4 finds Cindy and Greg are in Bermuda at a boutique hotel just outside … Read more