A Guy and his…?(9) Life Saver

A guy and his….(9)Life Saver —————————————————————————————————- Jake and his Jinns were back home getting ready for Mary’s party. While his Jinns were dressing Jake was trying to also, problem is they kept running into the room naked every time he tried to get dressed. With his cock a little bigger each day, it was getting … Read more

Stag party

Thomas and Jane are to marry next Saturday. Today, Tuesday, Thomas is holding his Stag Party and Jane her Hen Party – in different pubs in the town of Silverbridge. Tuesday night had been chosen to allow the effects of the parties to wear off before the wedding ceremony. Both parties were small because there … Read more

My daughter Annie2

Annie was not a woman to argue with. She was very bright. She could have majored in anything in college and done well. When she had her mind made up, she could move mountains. I had resigned myself to the fact that my daughter was going to call the shots. It was actually okay, because … Read more

Practically Invisible_(0)

Practically Invisible “Megen!” I called. “I need you to take out the trash!” In the other room, Megen grunted and did as I said, though she barely acknowledged my presence in doing so. I sighed. Such was my relationship with my 16 year old granddaughter. She and her parents and brother were living at my … Read more

New York Fantasy

~Being the last day of the year, everyone I knew found the excuse to get together and have a party at my down town New York apartment. I had no problem with it, seein’ as I hate bein’ alone on New Years anyway. And had bought plenty of booze a few days back to celebrate … Read more

Caught and taught chapter 1

The journey down on the train had been ok. My colleagues had chatted and gossiped most of the way whilst I read. We were attending a seminar on management (yawn), but that meant we were away from work for a couple of day and got to stay in a reasonably nice hotel. I was going … Read more

Celebrity Trainers: Megan Fox

Codes: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women. This is part 1 of a multi-part series. Please feel free to comment rate and appreciate. Any suggestions and requests for this or any future … Read more


She a little taller than average, shoulder length blond hair, attractive facial features, inviting smile and a good body under her knee length, black cocktail dress, her heels accentuating her legs. Over a meal in a nearby bistro I learnt she had been married twice, currently unattached, and works as a P.A. for a large … Read more

Tribe – Part 1

A tribe of scantily glad, statuesque, women are out in the jungle hunting cock! Unlike other local tribes the warriors are white with the exception of the leader and a couple of the younger girls who have darker, olive coloured skin. Having lured him into a trap they snare a Tarzan like figure. He is … Read more

Brother’s Incestous Bet Chapter 7: Sister Helps Breed Mom

Sean Reenburg Anger was rising in me despite the bliss that billowed through me from cumming in my sister’s pussy. She was trembling against me, sandwiched between Dad and me, his cock buried in her asshole. He had a pale look on his face. He wasn’t thrilled having to deal with his secretary, Vanessa, who … Read more


“Amber no I don’t want you to do that right now. Nelson pulled her up an against his chest. “What’s wrong ? You don’t like me? Do you ?” She asked. “Its not that I think your so beautiful I don’t ever want to hear you say that to me again.” He said it in … Read more

In the Blink of an Eye

. In the Blink of an Eye. I sit on the bench waiting for the bus feeling alone as usual. I’m almost always surrounded by people, including friends and family, and have a deep unending feeling of being alone on this hunk of rock we call home. I’ve listened to many conversations of the possible … Read more


– CHAPTER 7: Date – After Gabriella and I rinsed off in the shower together and got dressed, I made sure I knew what mall we were going to, and then took a few deep breaths downstairs, focusing my thoughts in order to look fully human. She approached me cautiously once I was done, looking … Read more

The Bus Ride Part 1

It was a warm and sticky afternoon when I got onto the bus in the City Centre. What was unusual about today though was how busy the bus was, well unusual for me. You see I normally caught a later bus to get home but had left the office today about an hour and half … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 36

I woke up the next morning feeling a body next to me. I opened my eyes to only smile seeing my mother there half on me. I placed my left hand on her right knee raising it up to my stomach. She let out a soft moan while I slid my hand up her thigh. … Read more

good time

So here I sit all alone. Fantasying about two people walking along the shore of the lake talking to each other as they laugh, tease, flirt and casually touch each other’s arm, stopping at one point and face each other as they talk and he leans in to softly kiss her lips. Slow soft subtle … Read more