Whoa! Jason Attends Cheer Practice V

Whoa! Jason Attends Cheerleader Practice Wednesday afternoon Sharon called. “Jason, would you like to attend one of our cheer practices? The coach said it was okay, and I can point out which girls claim to be virgins. You can tell me which girls to bring to your place Friday evening.” “That sounds like a lot … Read more


Toni yawned. She’d been standing in the sun for several hours now—it was the annual appeal, and her job was to approach cars, jingle her red cup, and ask for money. Fascinating stuff. It was a good cause though, and Toni had been doing it for years. Even now, when she had a day-job which … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: The D&D Game

I left Quatch making out with Willow and headed to answer the door. Tonight, I was going to play D&D with the same group of guys I had been playing with since I was fifteen. We had all met in the WOTC store in the South Hill Mall, back when there were still Wizard of … Read more

The Monster #3

The Monster #3 His Story – Part Two – His Party This is a continuation of our story It’s about our obsession with our neighbors and the way they’ve introduced us to group sex. Frank – WM, 6’, 210 lbs with a 6” dick Shellie – she’s a WF, 5’ 8”, about 140 lbs with … Read more

A Welcomed Guest 2

Within the realm of the Egyptian gods, Ra looked down on his daughter, Bast. “Bastet how goes the campaign,” came the booming voice of Ra. Looking up Bast smiled at the use of the old form of her name, though she still was having a hard time with speech. “Good, father. Man ready, spreading seed, … Read more

Some of Samone’s life story. Part two

When Samone found a lovely on face book and as she worked as a school teacher, and had the entire summer off. She decided to go to Ghana to meet her new found girl friend. She was a sweet girl who loved fucking. She like boys and girls alike. She liked sucking boy cock and … Read more

Getting My Way With Debbie Part 2 – Strip Poker

Once again you join me in my local pub. It’s a kind of ritual; you’ll find me in my local every Friday after work without fail. There’s nothing better than having an alcohol fuelled night of fun, especially when that fun was more than pub humour. And the company I kept always helped keep a … Read more

Celebrity Fame Whores

It was to be the greatest display of wanton sexuality and utter perversion in the history of mass media, and thanks to the 24-hour news cycle and Hollywood’s cult of celebrity, it was streamed live over the internet and into every household in America, even across the world! People would remember it for years afterwards, … Read more

My wife and her friend part 1

Chapter 1: Friday night “She’s going to be here soon, so hurry up.” My wife’s voice echoed down the hallway towards the open bathroom door. As I stood in the shower, rinsing the soap off my body. The hot water soothing my stiff muscles from a hard day’s work. A nice hot shower after a … Read more

My Mothers Boyfriend

My Mothers Boyfriend Chapter 1 Janet leaned against the sleek glass window of their 27th-floor condo, watching the city bustle below. The lights danced like fireflies in the darkness, a mesmerizing sight that usually brought her solace. But tonight, on Valentine’s Day, her thoughts were elsewhere, occupied by the arrival of her mom’s new boyfriend … Read more


MONDAY Hi baby, I promised I would email you while I am away, 1,000 miles from home staying with my old friend Rachel for almost two weeks. She is the same age as me, forty-four, a good age for women. Rachel is as attractive as ever. You keep reminding me, most women are in their … Read more

I’m In Love With Twin Vampires

It was a chilly November evening. I walked down the sidewalk of the city streets at twilight, somewhat oblivious to what was going on around me. Frankly, I didn’t care what anyone else was doing. Hell, like there was anything to give a shit about. Life really sucked ass for me. For the past five … Read more

The Power of Science (Chapter 4) – Claire’s New Life (continued)

Previously: Evan told Julianne about his ability, as well as what he did to Claire. He let Julianne enjoy using Claire, but she suddenly acted up and defied one of Evan’s orders. Needless to say, she needed to be punished for her disobedience. ===== Evan dragged the rope lightly across Claire’s skin. His cock was … Read more

Strip blackjack

I was 25 years old and physically I was in the best shape of my life. I was 5’ 10” tall, I had brown hair, green eyes and I weighed 175 lbs and none of it was fat. The only problem was that financially I was broke just like I had been all of my … Read more