College Days Ch. 09

Colette and I arrived home late Wednesday afternoon from the airport. Colette was pretty tired, she had risen early for the conference each morning we were away, then again to catch the plane home. In addition, we’d stayed up late each of the three nights in Monterey spending time exploring each other’s bodies. It was … Read more

Captain Beckinthwaite’s Bride

Captain Beckinthwaite’s Bride. I’m Captain Thomas bloody Beckinthwaite, from bloody Yorkshire and I don’t give a bugger what you bloody think because I bloody speak as I bloody find. We had a bloody bad trip back from America on Steamship and when we got back to Liverpool I made sure me brass were safe and … Read more

Bahamas Vacation (1)

Bahamas Vacation My fiancee, Debby, and I had dated since we were 15. It is now over 9 years later. I was on an airplane, heading for Nassau in the Bahamas for what to have been our honeymoon. My mind drifted back to I recent events. Debby and I became engaged over a year ago, … Read more


Tulsa When Tulsa entered my office for the very first time I already knew her. No I had never actually met her before in my life but I knew her grandmother from years ago. Tulsa was the spitting image of her grandmother about twenty years ago. I am the High School Principal and Tulsa was … Read more

TRUE STORY: What Happens In Vegas … Stays Burned In My Memory (revised)

She came through the revolving door as if she were gliding on air. She had an elegance that belied her age … just 24 … and her smooth stride somehow masked the fact that she was 6-foot 2-inches in her heels. A few steps in, she stopped. She told me she was a model but … Read more

Finding Happiness

Finding Hapiness At 47 years old, James was down on life. He was a hard worker, had a great job, and was a loving father to his two children. Away from home, he found joy in friends and work, but at home, he felt drained and beaten down. He was married to his wife, Maria, … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7, Chapter 4: The Shaman’s Threesome

“You don’t need her,” Thyrna purred into my ear, her naked body drapped against mine. Round breasts and hard nipples, the right pierced by a magic nullifying ring which perplexed Faoril. Hot cunt ground on my muscular thigh. We lay on her bed in her dim cabin aboard the Golden Hunger. “She’s so weak.” The … Read more

How about a pic? – Chapter One

How about a pic – Chapter One One day, not too long ago, I was sitting around the house very bored. My wife and kids had gone to their sister’s lake house. I opted out to do “yard work” and basically do whatever the hell I wanted to. I was procrastinating as it was pretty … Read more

Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 19: Mind-Control Delights

Did I ruin my friendship with Ji-Yun? I had hidden the fact I was gay from her, and I had a big crush on her, for months. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I’d known her for as long as I could remember. I felt like we been friends all eighteen years of my … Read more

Shattered Memories ch4

I sat there, silently, staring at my one hundred and nine scratches on the wall. I took a deep breath, trying to stabilise my will, to keep going. Yesterday… Yesterday had hurt. A pain I hadn’t felt in months. Not since I last saw her. Not since I got here. I sighed, standing up, when … Read more

Laurens Lesbian Fantasy Extended by

“I’m sorry Lauren; I just can’t go out with a girl with a penis” She slams the phone down and her eyes start to water, she soon bursts in to tears. Her tear drenched pillow is equal to her red puffy eyes. The phones rings, it’s her friend Julia “Hello?” Julia has also been crying, … Read more

Ch. 33: Like Mother – Like Daughter

Chapter 33: Like Mother – Like Daughter After Donna and I got ourselves rearranged, our clothes on, our drinks emptied and the coke gone, I suggested that I take her back to land. I had had fun with this teenage girl. I wanted more of what she had to offer but also understood that some … Read more

The Launch Party Pt 1

Rebecca’s husband, Bill, was a software developer. He had recently taken a new job at MarServe in Atlanta. It required the newlywed couple to relocate and move from New Jersey to Georgia. Rebecca quit her job at the call center, because Bill was going to be making enough money to support them both. Upon taking … Read more