Bridezilla Brenda’s Beastly Brawl — Part 4 — The Reception

Bridezilla Brenda’s Beastly Brawl Part 4 — The Reception Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson — 26 years old, 5’10” tall 140 lbs — Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton — 27 years old, 6’2″ tall, 180 lbs — Groom. Physics graduate student. … Read more

Office dream part 09

Today was the day I would cross the line again. It was a typical day in the office, everybody was working on the current projects to meet the approaching deadlines. After the general staff meeting I asked my co-worker if we could talk in detail about the more urgent matters. Almost everyone else was already … Read more

The Horny Dog – Part 1: The Daughter

Prologue I’m a dog. You may wonder what breed I am, but that’s irrelevant. And even if you were to ask, I would be unable to answer. I never had parents to educate me or siblings to play with. My first memory is that of a dark, grungy back alley. I can still remember the … Read more

Princess Ellie

Princess Ellie wasn’t a *bad* princess, but she was occasionally a thoughtless and cruel one, and she made the mistake of doing so on the day when a middle-aged woman arrived at court and applied for permission to access the Royal Library. To be fair, the woman was trashily dressed, huge-titted, and more than a … Read more

Samantha And The Pizza Delivery Boy

SAMANTHA SILVERTON AND THE PIZZA DELIVERY BOY WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW FICTION Samantha, a gorgeous, attractive blond hair blue eye girl in her thirties was sitting at home in her hometown of Westbridge, Connecticut one summer evening watching television. On a rare occasion, her husband, Douglas was working late at his office at Polk and … Read more

To Be Or Not To Be A Doctor – Chapter 2

In math class, Tony usually sat on the far-left side of the room, that being the only place where left-handed desks could be found. But on Wednesday’s class, he scanned the room anxiously looking for Manjula. She was wearing the revealing sundress he’d picked for her. Stretching out her legs in the front row, she … Read more

Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 11

Jake stood and stared at this marvelous, malevolent female poised in his shower stall. She looked like Athena bathing in the mists as the swirling little showerheads surrounded her voluptuous form with hot steam and water. Realizing she was mesmerizing him, *again*, he abruptly turned away and strode into the bedroom. He stopped, trying to … Read more

Fatima’s escapades (part 1)_(1)

Fatima grabs her gym bag and makes a beeline for the front door, hoping if she passed by the kitchen quickly enough, her mother might not see her. She’s almost made it to the door when she hears her mother’s voice calling her name. She halts, drops her gym bag, groans inwardly and replies irritably, … Read more

Progenitor 1: The Beginning

Unexpected Resurrection Once, I was a man. I lived, loved, laughed – and died. My life gave me no complaints; it was a good one, and a long one. And when I finally died, neither angels nor demons would’ve surprised me. To be honest, after my life a case could’ve been made for either. Imagine … Read more

Naked Witch_(1)

Naked Witch She always seemed like a nice, decent girl. I had only known her for a few weeks, I met her at the public library. We were bothing going to check-out the same book, “Dreams of Terror and Death” by H.P. Lovecraft. Being ever-so-much a gentleman i let her take the book, I told … Read more

An Hour with Angel

I threw my backpack on over my shoulders to head outside, as I went through the living room I saw my parents sitting with a tall broad-shouldered man with too serious eyes and a gun tucked into his belt. A shiver ran through me and I walked faster toward the door. “Going out on our … Read more

The Weekend

Shawn could tell how antsy and nervous that Scarlet was as she sat next to him in his truck as they drove on the long winding highway into the east Tennessee mountains. He rented a secluded cabin in the woods to help her break her out of her shy and reserved persona. He wanted her … Read more

Angie’s Affaire De Coeur

Angie set her alarm, and climbed into bed hoping it would not be another sleepless night as she shut her eyelids. Lying there with jumbled thoughts racing through her mind, she remembered thinking Jack to be the perfect mate. He was a semi-retired consultant with a level head for business. He succeeded in every endeavor … Read more