Lil’ Red

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a fair maiden. She lived in a cabin by the stream through the woods with her Grandmother. To help around the cabin, she would take weekly shopping trips into town, and sell her grandmothers knitted goods. She had dark hair and eyes, and was taller than … Read more

the transformation part 1 & 2

the night was gradually waning…i didn’ have any idea that 4 how much time i was lying unconscince there. it was in the middle of nowhere, in the heart of the greatest deseart on the earth, the saharas! by the way i need to introduce myself to you people, am Russel Martin. i am an … Read more

A D in Calculus

First of all let me introduce myself, my name is Isaac, I’m 19, college student in the Dominican Republic, a country in the island of the Hispaniola, that is shared with Haiti, among the bigger Antilles in the Caribbean(if anyone doesn’t know). So let’s start with the story. It all happened on one of the … Read more

Learn Your Place Ch. 2

We step back into the classroom to see that everyone’s chatting up a storm, laughing it up, or just being rowdy like some fucking idiots. I look over to her and see that she’s still intimidated. I bring my hand to her back, gently rubbing it to calm her nerves. Guess it worked. She suddenly … Read more

The Violated Virgin

Chapter 3 Slowly Suzanne opened her eyes and gazed around her bedroom. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned. The early morning light filtered through the blinds, casting a soft glow around her. For a split second she began to smile, looking forward to another day; then the memory of the experiences with … Read more

4 love dove love shove

7 SETTING THE WEDDING “Rachel, we need to work on the details of our wedding.” “Well, do you want a naturist wedding?” “That would exclude my family. That’s not going to work out. What month do you want to get married?” “That will depend on where we want the reception. Some places are booked more … Read more

Kneel or No Kneel Pt. 01

(A girl goes on a gameshow to win a million dollars, but ends up in bondage and becomes an owned slave who is trained, conditioned and transformed) “It’s Monday night and that can only mean one thing…it’s time for Kneel or No Kneel!” the announcer’s voice boomed across the soundstage as thunderous applause from the … Read more

It happened one night… One last time! Part 3

As in the first two parts of the tale this is a story of pure fiction where any similarities to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental. This part of the tale takes place six months after the events of part 2. Celeste had moved in with Daniel and Ashley and their baby boy Nicky, … Read more

Gypsy soul_(0)

Gypsy soul My name is Scott and tonight is the night. Tonight, I put everything behind me. Tonight, I start a new life. Where no one knows me. Where I can be anyone. Tonight, I set myself free. I don’t want to go too far back in my past. But I will tell you the … Read more

Kim’s First Day At The Office

Kim’s hand shut off the water but she continued to stand there for a moment in the shower as the water dripped from her body. Finally she opened the door to the stall and lifted the fluffy towel which hung from the nearby rack. Toweling herself off first she then stepped out, putting her dainty … Read more

A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part Thirteen, Section A

When she walked into the Senior Jailor’s office, Armstrong pretended he did not know Llisanya. That was the rule when you met one of Fiona’s girls outside the brothel; pretend you don’t know them. The rule also applied to former employees, such as Llisanya. It was not rude, the girls appreciated their customers being discreet … Read more

Temptation – Part 2

Ring, ring! Ring, ring! “Hello?” “Hey there girly.” “Hey Az. What’s goin’ on?” “What are you doing tomorrow?” “Nothing. Why?” “Well, I owe you something, and I thought that I could pay you back tomorrow….if you’re open.” “Mmm. You want to pay me what is owed? Really?” “Please? I’ve been thinking about it all week.” … Read more

Recession rewards

We had enjoyed a lazy afternoon together and I was feeling really good having cum several times. Louise, my older sister, looked just as pleased with herself as she lay there with her eyes closed and a big smile over her face as daddy slowly slid in and out of her. He too looked content … Read more

Dan and Gina 2

Gina’s dad died a few months later and her mom was living alone. She was worried about her mom but her mom assured her she was ok and that the neighbours are always willing to help her. So Gina and Dan go visit her mom as often as possible. They still sleep in seperate rooms … Read more

Punishment for the Naughty Professor

“All finished tonight, Jessie?” Rick, the head of campus security, pops his head through the open doorway as I finish gathering my things from the now empty classroom. “Yes, Rick, I’m ready to go.” I smile as I walk towards him. His eyes sweep my figure, as he does most evenings. I’m wearing a black … Read more

The Golf Outing

Playing golf is one of my passions in life. I find it extremely challenging, and I’m a pretty good player. I recently made a move that increased my opportunities to play, moving from the West Coast and its very crowded and expensive golf courses, to a small town in the Rocky Mountains that has several … Read more