Calm down and cooperate

Elizabeth fished her key out of her purse, waving at her upstairs neighbors who waved back before walking into their home. She walked around the staircase to her front door catching her reflection in her neighbor-across-the-way’s kitchen window. Elizabeth was 5’3, porcelain skinned, slender, had long blonde hair, blue almond shaped eyes and lush pink … Read more

Tamina the thick goblin seductress: Corrupting the innocent redhead

**The first part of the story repeats in each chapter in order to introduce Tami** This story is much less of a story and more so of constant fucking. Tamani woke up slowly and comfortably. She smacked her puffy lips together, gazing around to see the sleeping bodies of various creatures and monsters. The air … Read more

Old flame

Linda and I had a few dates back when we were in high school and now that time has past and we are in our retirement years, an opportunity presented itself and we took advantage of it. I maintain a property across from where Linda now lives. She is a widow and lives alone. One … Read more

Protective Husband Four Loves part 1

Protective Husband Four Loves part 1 I can hardly believe what’s all just happen sense last Friday. This last six days has been the most eventful in my entire life. I finally reunited with Jewels after nearly fifteen years. Jewels brought with her my two daughters, Little Bobby and Morgan. Jewels insisted on me becoming … Read more


[b]7 GRAY DAY Jeff goes to Sean’s house after school. Sean’s not very talkative. “What’s wrong Sean!? You look really depressed.” “Nothing.” “What do you mean nothing!? Tell me.” “Big fight with the woman of my dreams.” Shocked, with compassion, “Ohhhh.” Then a brainstorm, “So you can go to the beach with us tomorrow!” Annoyed, … Read more

Richard’s Tales: Scoring the Coach

After Richard’s experience with the young girl he didn’t go into his area for a while. It had been two weeks since his experience. He has seen her in the hallway during the day, and she would wink at him when he passed her. He was starting to get the itch to fuck a girl … Read more

The Naked Weekend

The Naked Weekend Friday: We both get off work and meet at the bar with about 10 great friends. I change shirts in the parking lot. You change at work into a tight strapless dress and a see-through blouse over it. We get there about the same time and greet each other with a big … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5, Chapter 8: The Sphinx and the Concubine

Incessae – The Free City of Raratha My wings fluttered with excitement as the Doge bellowed for his guards. The reputation of my sisters and me combined with the Doge’s base greed spurred him into action. He feared Angela claiming the piece of the High King’s sword. “We must be smart,” I said to the … Read more

Agatha Allbut & The Bimbo Squad Ch 02 Agatha Starts College

Agatha arrived on campus a day late, missing orientation. She ended up going to a state school because Bryn Mawr gave away her spot when she missed the deadline for tuition payments while dealing with her inheritance and trying to cope with the loss of her beloved Grandparents. Pinto, the retired Magazine editor, and her … Read more

The Rogue’s Harem Book 2, Chapter 17: The Ogre’s Prowess

Chapter Forty-Nine: The Ogre’s Prowess Kora Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My stomach tightened as Ava crashed into the hallway wall. I knew that wasn’t her real body, and yet seeing the feyhound form struggling to gain its feet, the front, left leg snapped and half-hanging from splintered twigs, tore … Read more

suck it and see_(2)

my friends and I finally got round to having our cottage holiday. There were 6 of us in total, 2 boys, Cameron and Buzz, and 4 girls, me, Dannii, Gaby and Samantha. There were no couples in the group, but there was a simmering tension between some of us. We were an odd group, the … Read more

A Night Together by

Our night starts out really nice for us as the children go to bed early, and you start to wash the dishes as I sneak away to the bedroom to ignite some surprises and cover up with some others. I hear you washing the dishes as I light candles and strip buck naked eager to … Read more

MILF – 3

… I watched her walk up the walk-way toward the Hotel…she seemed nervous so I decided to meet her half way. A man meeting a woman half way, how un-male-like I thought…and smiled. She didn’t see me at first so I said hello load enough for her to hear. It startled her…much to our mutual … Read more

Richard Came Home Early

Meet Richard, a hardworking man just trying to start his life. A middle class man, standing about 5’10” tall. A man not much on exercise, but not a slob. Dresses in nice suits to make his coworkers respect him. A man that loves life and everything in it. Richard has never understood himself when It … Read more