The Slave Princess Part II

Morose and unkind, Unfeeling, unheeding, blind; The winds laugh and moan; Unknowing, unknown. – The Canticle of Menkeret Night. I am alone in my cell in the house of Heshuzius. I am one of his possessions; a thing to be used, like a ladle. Or so he thinks. But I am no ladle, I am … Read more

L. Kay on Vacation

Cal and Leslie Kay Smythe are truly a happily married couple. Both work, Cal in financial and L. Kay in education. Their two young children take up the rest of their together time. The older has taken up soccer, the younger is in gymnastics. There’s always something going on. Don’t get me wrong. They love … Read more

Phoenix ch 14

“God, just look at that!” Tanya exclaimed as she stared at the Tri-d. Her darling little daughter was lying in the middle of the street, gunned down by that psycho who had been chasing her for the last ten terrifying minutes. She lay, naked and gasping though shot-pierced lungs as the recorder panned up and … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 10 – Breaking the Slave Ring Part 3

Mara Jade Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo were in serious trouble; their plan to infiltrate the slave ring on the edge of Hutt Space was not going very well. Both Leia and Mara had to first audition for a slaver Captain on the ship they were being transported on. Fucked like a couple of common … Read more


The Cruise Chapter 1 Last year I decided to treat myself to a vacation I would remember, I work hard as a computer systems consultant and thought I deserved it, so after a little research into the different types of vacations available a cruise round Europe caught my eye, this was duly booked and preparations … Read more


Me, My Girlfriend and Her Best Friend: Part Four – Day One Or more appropriately: Me, My Ex- Girlfriend and Her Best Friend Prologue: Winter 2006 I had just turned 27 years old.  I was living in a garage apartment in Florida.  I was writing every day and had just gotten a deal to publish … Read more

Miss Brabbingers Downfall pt 2

Claridge looked up to see Rothby enter the room,‭ “‬They offer the way-leave as dowry Dullard.‭” ‬Claridge suggested. ‭”And which peacock does it endow, ” Asked Rothby, “the delectable Adele or the dazzling Francine?” “Sophia,‭ ‬actually,‭” ‬said the Major,‭ ‬but I suppose.‭” ‬he stopped as Sophia kicked him forcibly upon the shin.‭ “‬I suppose we … Read more

Have you ever?

“At least four or five times a week, my man and I are only just past forty and we both have strong sex drives, still. Our bodies are still attractive to both men and women. For him my big ass and hips is his big turn on, and for me his equipment, he is the … Read more

The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales – Beth’s Story: Finding the right work/life balance

Beth was an up-and-coming executive for a major biotech firm. She was brilliant, driven, and sensible, and her peers could tell that she was headed straight for upper management. Beth was determined to make it, too, and in general avoided any entanglements that could distract her from her ambitions. Her decision to marry Kevin five … Read more

Temple of Torture – Vanessa’s First Journey

Synopsis: Three slavegirls (“a ponygirl, a painslut and a snuffette”) became attractions at the “Heaven’s Gate Exhibition”, an extreme and exclusive underground torture fair. Their deliciously cruel Mistress guides them to unknown hights of suffering. This is a loose sequel to “Temple of Torture” (that can be found at the public story area of this … Read more

my black whore

My first story so be nice…..please This is a story about the day I crossed the line. To many this account will lessen the faith so many have put in their health care professionals. But at this point, I don’t give a fuck… A little about myself, I’m tall with an athletic build and bald. … Read more

The Arrangement

It was Friday night when I got the text. I was hoping to have a weekend to myself, but duty calls. I’m 30 and single. Why, you ask? Because living with a man requires too much compromise. And I’m not the kind of woman who pretends a man is ‘the one’ just because I want … Read more

Red Lights of Amsterdam

This is not necessarily a story per se, but don’t let that fool you: there will be plenty of touching skin and outbursts of pleasure. This writing, however, is more of a factual breakdown, a first look on what’s happening in one of the best-known tourist attractions in Europe, a place where sin and lust … Read more

Running Partner

I am an avid runner. A couple of years ago I was in a cycle of training for a marathon, so I was piling up the milage every week. On the weekends I was doing runs of 15-20 miles. Needless to say, my body was lean and strong, and my endurance was at a peak. … Read more