My Sister the Nun ch 4

“I want you to go home and sit in a cold tub, and pack your balls with ice. Then I want you to take a nap so you will be ready for me when I get off work. I’ll be home at ten thirty. I’ll meet you in the orchard at ten forty-five. OK?” “You … Read more

It pays to be smart

“I’m just going to take a shower,” my girlfriend, Hannah called out. “I’ll come too,” I called back. “No, I need to wash my hair, so I’ll be a while.” “Okay, I’ll put a movie on or something.” I went into the lounge room to choose a movie. As I was deciding, Hannah’s sister Nikki … Read more

Teaching Carol, Ch.4

I didn’t see Carol at lunch the next day, though I waited until nearly closing time. When she didn’t come to dinner, I casually asked a classmate of hers if she’d seen Carol, and she told me Carol hadn’t been at her classes that day. It was pretty obvious that Carol was upset about last … Read more

The Van 3: First Timer

Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, … Read more

Lucky Josh part 12

Josh considered staying in bed for a while, still a bit tired from the last few days but his curiosity won out as he headed towards his pc to check his mail. Boot up seemed to take ages and when it finally was done, he quickly checked his mail. His smile turned into a big … Read more

Sis Comes Home For Memorial Day – Part II

I woke up the next morning wondering if it was all a dream. I quickly realized it wasn’t when I felt a bare breast against my arm. She was still snuggled up against me, but her shirt was now completely unbuttoned. She had one of her legs draped over mine and could feel the warmth … Read more

Mardaani – A Fantasy – Part 6

Chapter 7 – Bikram It was nearly five months since Anjali’s abduction. No trace of the girl had been found. It was to be one of the many unsolved cases, on the files of which dust piles. The police had moved on to other cases. Meera had accepted that Anjali would not be coming back. … Read more

Loving a demon chapter 1

It was a warm summer night and  Ashlee had just got done finishing unpacking most of her boxes from her move, Ashlee goes on the patio in the back, she has neighbors, about a quarter mile away, but the trees hid the view of her house to the neighbors.  Ashlee goes to the bathroom, to … Read more

Beth and Jim Part I

Beth had been looking forward to the company barbecue since the weather spiked in July. South Carolina can be a bitch with it’s heat and humidity, and the AC in her apartment could barely keep up. An evening at her boss’s spread with central air and a pool would be a nice respite. Packing a … Read more

The Battered Lamp Chapter Six: The Lust of the Warrior

Saturday, January 17th – South Hill, Washington Christy stumbled out of Ms. Franklin’s house. She felt so dirty. Last night she had given herself to Kyle, and today she had let her body be soiled by the teacher. She reached her car, slumping against it. Her lips still tasted of the teacher’s sour juices. I’m … Read more

The Milk Slave

Marie sat on the narrow cot, naked, trying to cover her rather large breasts with her hands and not doing it very successfully. The two young men standing in front of her were fully clothed, which made her feel even more vulnerable and exposed. “Move your hands, girl. The master has ordered six hours of … Read more

The Vampire of Prague

“The end of the enchantment was come and the Princess awoke, and she said: ‘Is it you, my Prince? You have waited a long while…’” -Charles Perrault, “The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood” *** She was born on the banks of the Vltava, in the days when there were no bridges, in the shadow of … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 3 Ch 06

The Dream… She watched, fascinated, as the curved, ornate, but very short blade sliced into her soft stomach. The blade was heated and very sharp so that she barely felt the kiss of its entry. Still, she felt her body react in pure ecstasy to the sensuous invasion into her vital organs. The blade was … Read more

The Horny Heist

The Robbery Eric, cruised through the quiet, unsuspecting neighborhood scanning the houses, searching for signs of vulnerability for his next target. It was a hot summer night and the air felt heavy. A home, nestled in the tranquil confines of Willowbrook, became the latest mark. Eric bore the physical markers of a life lived on … Read more