The Power of the Illuminati – Ch. 03 – Iraqi Prisoner Part 1

I landed in Iraq two days later. Waiting for me was an armoured car with several military guards. “Hello Mr. Ryker. My name is Saad. I hope your flight was comfortable. Mr. Husayn is waiting for you at his palace in Adhamiya.” “Good. Take me to him.” We drove through the city until we reached … Read more

Desert Party

This is a little, ‘An they lived happily ever after’ thing I wrote. The days riding had been fantastic. I could not get enough. Fast and flat out across the desert then tight scary trails close to the cliffs. Total sensory overload. The party is getting good too. Lots of ice cold beer, some wine … Read more

Shadows in the Storm- Part 4 of 5: Corrine and Sharon Find Each Other

Next they went to visit Bill’s family in Iowa. When he went to visit his mom, Bill found Dorothy Johnstone and Karen Simpson having a friendly visit in the garden taking in the warm Sunday afternoon sunshine. The four of them, Karen, Dorothy, Sharon, and Bill, went to lunch and Dorothy remembered how much Bill … Read more


Part 2 – Summary: Marlee and Corey develop a routine… he studies at her apartment almost every day…. he’s usually there when she gets home for dinner…. they fuck as soon as she gets home just about every day…. they eat dinner, then fuck again when they go to bed every night. It works perfectly … Read more


42 GEL AT HOTEL DEL “Sean, it’s amazing how many friends and family say they plan to make our wedding! Lot’s willing to fly in. Some even canceled Labor Day weekend plans.” “Sounds like we’ll fill that banquet hall after all.” “I think they just want to gel at Hotel del. I’m thankful that your … Read more

The Horny Adventures Of Ryan: Introduction & Downtown

Introduction Hi, my name is Ryan Jacobs. Some of my friends also call me RJ. It’s a pleasure meeting you! I’m thirty-two years old and I’m the CEO of Easy Banking. Now, don’t you go assuming that I’m one of those geeks with blond hair and glasses who sits in front of the computer 24/7 … Read more

Highlights at 5

I’m leaving the gym and I get a call on my cell phone. It’s Mary on the other end and she asks if I could come over this evening and highlight her hair and hang out. Secure in my manhood and sexuality I agreed to it. I enjoy the artwork involved in transforming someones hair … Read more

Dreams come true…

Tonight was it. Every detail had been meticulously planned. He had haunted her footsteps like a shadow for the past two months, had her in his every thought for the past seven. He had memorized her every smile. He would awaken from his dreams to swear he could smell her sweet perfume. He had tried … Read more

A Little Older Now

I was watching her try out the new game I just got, she couldn’t keep any consoles in her house… something about trying to impress boys. If only they knew she was a total dork when she could get her hands on the controller. “Sarah?” I asked. She turned to me, “Yeah what’s up Ry?” … Read more


She took great delight in reminding me of some of the male lovers we had shared at the same time a few years ago. A common thread with all of the men we shared, ‘fucked at the same time,’ to use Judith’s words, was they were all five to ten years younger than us, were … Read more

Jack’s Tale (Part I)

Walking through the woods is often relaxing and most enjoyable for me. The rolling hills of the country near me give me much to appreciate. The wind blows softly, creating echoing sounds as it pushes through the large trees and bushes. The squirrels scurry about, oft times seeking nuts, running rapidly around me and up … Read more

older sister two

[b] That night I had the best fuck fantasies about my older sister. I knew what her body was like (6′ 180lbs) and knew how to manipulate it. The next morning I woke up with morning erection and just layed there picturing Lyn in my mind..(naked of course.) I soon got out of bed and … Read more


Brenda arrived at the bank and was shown into Mr. Donley’s office. Mr. Donely had called Brenda early that morning, just after her husband, Mark had left for work and her daughter, Kaylie, had headed off to school. He said he needed to see her immediately to discuss important financial matters, but wouldn’t say more … Read more

The Free-Use Bible: Book of Genesis 1

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story. DISCLAIMERS I often write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don’t agree with his choices, and you’re not supposed to either. We’re all acknowledging he is wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done … Read more

The Love of Money I Chapter 12: No News is Good News

Wednesday, 8:05 am Buried in my bed sheets, my phone woke me with its incessant buzzing. I blindly reached for it without success and cursed as I reluctantly opened my eyes and began sorting through my blankets looking for the damn thing. During the process, my phone stopped which made it harder to find. The … Read more