I am Sarah, of French descent, in my mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man Roger, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. My man and I both have a high sex drive, I am to please and be … Read more

The Milkman

This was the first time after the birth of James that we went to a party. For the last 6 months I had suffered from post natal depression, and I actually now looked forward to seeing some of our friends, also to show off James to some of the girlfriends. However, one of them, Josephine … Read more

My museam cuckold

A solitary security guard dozing in a corner, and a few distant, muffled, whispers were the only signs of life in the gallery. Truth be told I was only there to use the facilities, modern art was lost on me. I crept down the corridor, hoping my echoing footsteps wouldn’t draw any attention to the … Read more

Do I Just Rob, Or Do More?

It’s a warm Friday and I’m driving around when I see this GORGEOUS woman come out of a building. She’s wearing a pink blouse and short black shirt. She has long hair and red, red lips. I can’t tell, but I think she is, wearing a bra, but she looks great up top. Looking down, … Read more

Sin – 5

Sin 5 “Well Sin? Would you like to talk about the Chicago trip with Carla? Because I know what happened, so we can discuss the details if you like?” No response. “Tell you what, I’m going to take a shower, it’s been a long night for me. I didn’t get a ton of sleep to … Read more

Vickie’s Abduction part 4

Vickie’s Abduction part 4 People that know him call him Cowboy. Unknown to them he is a serial rapist that abducts pretty, single, mature women rapes them taking what he wants and makes them like it. His victims call him Gentle Rapist. Vickie, Julie, Tina and Teri are four of his victims that have discovered … Read more

I want Your Story

Suggestions include your first time having sex, or the best time having sex. Perhaps you had an affair and would be willing to tell the entire story. There is in each of us a story to tell. Perhaps you were abused, or raped, or had sex young. Maybe you are older and are having great … Read more

A Summer’s Surprise (Part 1)

Nick was nineteen and just home from his first year at college, which if you asked anyone involved was lackluster at best. The summer after high school graduation, he had entertained visions of parties, girls, alcohol, the works. But, reality was a bit less exciting than such pre-frosh imagination. He went to a couple of … Read more

The Darkmoon Faire (part 4)

The Darkmoon Faire part 4, ‘The End’! I must say I had a really fun time writing this.  Except for, well, reading part 2 and cringing at how bad it was.  I’m learning, okay?  This one took me the longest time by far.. I actually didn’t think it was going to go anywhere after part … Read more

Chapter Besting: A True Any Girl

Chapter Besting: A True Any Girl I call Rina my “any” girl because, quite frankly, she would have sex anytime, anywhere, with anybody and do anything. All three holes were readily available, just for the asking. She was every man’s dream fantasy, and I got to enjoy it for nearly 10 years. It was, far … Read more


PARADISE “Very simply put, we offer the finest oral, vaginal, and anal sex in the world.” My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. She didn’t blink. She didn’t grin. She was profoundly serious. She had made what she believed was a statement of absolute fact in answer to my question. I closed my … Read more

School Afair

It was a warm day in mid-April, which i spent in school on detention, due to skipping computer science class multiple times for the past couple of weeks. Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM … Read more


My First Lesbian Experience It was late. It was raining. And dark. And cold. The sound of the folk group wafted down the street from the Flying Horse as I nibbled at something that might once have been a cod before it was cremated and sealed in cardboard flavoured yellow concrete and stuffed in newspaper … Read more

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 31) – Her Brother, Part Three

Chapter 31 HER BROTHER, PART THREE Inside her head, Laura still had a pathetic hope that her brother would save her. He would get to her house, see what a horrible degrading nightmare it was, and realise she couldn’t possibly be doing all this of her own free will. He would pay off her debt, … Read more