Don Lorenzo was a ‘businessman’ in Cosenza, Italy…. at least that’s how he thought of himself. He did, in fact, own several businesses, but most of them were simply fronts to launder dirty money for the local mafia. And the ‘business’ that was most lucrative for the mob was actually his strong-arm and extortion racket … Read more

To be Young Again

Ignatius paid the cabbie, tipping him generously, before opening the door and, with the help of his cane, managed to exit the cab. By the time he reached the sidewalk on the other side of the cab, the cabbie already removed Marium’s walker from the trunk and was helping her into it and by the … Read more

Teacher’s Pet Chp 2

It Begins. Two months have past since school started. Jean’s bullying has only gotten worse. Nobody knows how she treats me or how she makes me depressed. Luckily my brother has been distracting me alot. Taking a deep breath I walk into his class. Today was the day we would be starting ‘To Kill a … Read more

What was never ment to be, Day 2 game time

I groaned as the alarm clock when out, Sarah sifted next to me and mumbled something that sounded almost like “Don’t pull out yet.” I laughed lightly and kissed her cheek hoping to wake her. She rolled over to face and her eyes opened a little. “Why are you waking me up?” She asked rubbing … Read more

Lessons with Stepmom Ch 2: A World of Desires

Esther and I had plenty of weekends like that later, as I’d proposed. It worked out since we could travel together without raising any scrutiny. People who knew us figured it was a family trip. People who didn’t never suspected anything odd about it since we were close enough in age, though by the way … Read more

Freedom of Expression – 1

Matt Hall finished washing his hands, another day in his workshop coming to an end. Today had been a productive day having finally got the new engine running in his latest project, a 1970 Triumph Spitfire that he had put the engine from a Triumph Rocket motorcycle into. Matt is 32 years old, just under … Read more

Crazy Casual Encounter With A Friendly Strawberry Blonde

It was weird, and at first, I thought it was a dream, but it wasn’t a dream at all, and if it was a dream, it was a dream come true. I’m not sure how it all started, I had actually gone to talk with someone, a therapist, feeling I needed to discuss where my … Read more

Awakening Lisa

Awakening Lisa I love all women. I truly do. Every woman has at least one attribute which is beautiful and usually there are several. It could be a curve of form or face or the softness of a look. The way she wears her clothes or the way her foot looks in a shoe. Hair … Read more

Zombie Holocaust 3

I awoke with terror clawing through my guts. Those screams were truly horrified. Had the dead gotten in? Jesus Christ! I grabbed my .45 and tore off down the hallway, leaving my redheaded lover in the blankets she had wrapped herself up in. As I came around a corner I saw a man, one of … Read more

My Favorite Family Reunion

“Mom?” I shouted from my upstairs room, “If you are making me go to this stupid reunion, is it ok if Chris goes?” I hated family reunions. Every year we would pack up our car and travel five hours to the home of my father’s parents and spent the weekend in the middle of no … Read more

Wife Surprise 2

The party was great, music was thumping, sexy people were dancing on the dance floor, and I was having the time of my life. I am talking about the huge holiday party the company I work for throws every year and I never miss it. The food is great and the drinks stay flowing. This … Read more

Becca’s Boning

The party at my roommate’s house was going on late. My girlfriend had already passed out on the guest room couch. It might have been five AM and we’d been drinking and drugging and dancing for hours. The dull roar of people on the front porch left the rest of the house pretty quiet. I … Read more

An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 03

“You’ve always been a smart one. You give yourself too little credit, boy,” he said with his thick Texan drawl. Mike chuckled. “I know, Granddaddy.” Harry Weston adjusted his thick glasses. “After all, what have I always said about power? Men who seek power actively are destined to abuse it…” “…But men with power thrust … Read more

Late Night Gym with Laura part 4

The next day I got off work much later than usual and showed up to the gym almost an hour later than I normally did. As I walked in I was looking for Laura, I was relieved to find her on a treadmill. She had her split into two long beautiful braids, wore a lose … Read more


I am Sarah, of French descent, in my mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man Roger, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. My man and I both have a high sex drive, I am to please and be … Read more