Substitute dad pt.2

In order for this to make sense, you have to read pt.1 Todd bolted from the couch and raced around Nicole as she reached for him, and darted into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it behind him. He took several deep breaths before picking up his phone and calling Michelle. Voicemail. Shit! Shitshitshit!!!! … Read more

Of Scavengers and Smugglers Ch. 1

Greetings, readers!  This piece of Star Wars fan-fiction is a three-part mini-series I’ve been mulling over for some time now.  I know not everyone will agree, but I loved the hell out of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, and in particular Rey, the main heroine.  This story takes place leading up to the … Read more

Bird and the Blonde

—————— Women interested in learning more about submission please see my ad here: —————— Bird and the Blonde Bird was hungry and his feet hurt. His feet always hurt on Saturdays and Sundays, when he worked the register at the local big-box store. He hated the job, hated that he never had time to just … Read more

Rebecca, Do My Bidding

Rebecca, Do My Bidding Working for a software corporation has its perks. One of which is you are set up with the finest in computer hardware that there is. This is to ensure that the quality of product you produce is really on the top shelf. But it also means, for the industrious, that materials … Read more

unexpected date

Unexpected Date My dating life seemed to be nonexistent. I’m not a virgin and have had girlfriends in the past; it’s just that I’ve been single for more than I’ve been with someone. My longest relationship was little over 2 years; longest I have been single since I hit puberty was 5 years. I suppose … Read more

Leben 9

Alan appeared back in the bunker a few moments later amid smirks from the other 4. “You really think it was a good idea that you let her go?” Harman said though he made no move toward Alan. “I don’t see why not.” Alan replied. “I felt no one there where she was that was … Read more

The Bite Chapter 5

Please read chapters 1-4 I followed my sister in law, Kristin, into her bedroom from the bathroom where she had recently showered, brushed her teeth, and combed her hair. Before ordering her into the bedroom, she had whispered to me, “Fuck me… please? I want you to slowly stretch out my tiny virgin pussy until … Read more

Breeding Season

Elnaya wished there was something she could find something softer than a tree to massage her aching sex. The breeding season was the worst. There were so many obnoxious males in the herd who wouldn’t leave her alone. While she wanted the satisfaction of release, there was no one in the herd she was interested … Read more

The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door, part 2

As the night wore on, as expected Jill, was nowhere to be found. Marcus did come down once, albeit only to get a quick blowjob from Amy. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the debauchery. The CG boys brought the twins over from their house and introduced them to Kim and Kay. Two sets of twins. … Read more

Bully Revenge, Pt.7 – it’s back!

“You…you CAN’T MEAN…” Jordynn said, totally stunned. “You Damn right we do.” Sandy said, cutting her off. “If you thought you were here just for HIS entertainment, you thought dead wrong. I’m going to get my turn using you as well Jordynn Perry. And what’s more, you’re going to like it.” “I won’t like it” … Read more

A Bad-Stepmother

English is my second language. I promise I do try to avoid errors in my stories, but I do not claim to be perfect. I hope that whatever mistakes you may see do not detract from your enjoyment. As always feedback is appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this offering. Please enjoy** … Read more

Strong Again 1

You need to read Revenge of the strong first ———————————————————– This is a continuation of my Revenge of the Strong story ————————————————————— John Strongburg grunted in frustration as he went through the empty town. The shiny star pinned to his chest, gleaming in the light. It had taken almost a year to return to this … Read more

The Tape (Part 1)

Some background before we get into everything. My parents had me in the mid 70s when they were in their early 20s, well to be fair, my mom was 20 and my dad was 21.They tried to make a go of it, but they just wanted different things out of life and separated shortly after … Read more