Editing Reailty Book 2, Chapter 7: The Naughty Classroom

James Davies Myles Waller strolled up to me, tie loose, a big grin on his friendly face. “Hey, James, my man.” “Hey,” I said, the other students of Rainier Christian College streaming around us, heading to the cafeteria or other parts of campus during the lunch break. “What’s up.” “Wonder Woman,” Myles said, pausing before … Read more

Biker Vets Lose a Righteous Brother

Rick woke to find himself naked and alone in the middle of what appeared to him to be an A-Team encampment. He recognized the encompassing mountainous terrain as being very similar to that of the central highlands, a geographical region around Pleiku in the former Republic of Viet-Nam. The encampment was surrounded by wire and … Read more

Sally awakes – Chapter 07

Sally is disappointed that her “holiday” is over. Then she finds her parents have split. But circumstances take a dramatic turn. Was it wrong? I had hoped that ending up in bed with dad was not a one-off. So when he suggested another shower together I jumped at it. We undressed and I smiled as … Read more

Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 1: Mother Takes Charge

Deidre Icke, the president of the Institute of Apotheosis, shook her head as she stared at the camera feed of her two eighteen-year-old children each lying unconscious in separate storage rooms, locked inside and kept away from the others in the Institute. It was all falling apart. Guilt pressed down on her. Dr. Blavatsky entrusted … Read more

SLuT9 part 7

CHAPTER SEVEN “DeeDee” Monday, December 18th Dave was up and off to work the next day just like normal. He still had what had happened between he and Emily on his mind but he managed to push it to the back while he was working. Traffic was terrible on the way home because it had … Read more

Strong Again Ch. 3

The boss for the mission approached the large mansion type building. This was going to be dangerous; the big boss didn’t take to kindly to being interrupted. He just hoped that the news he had didn’t get him gutted, shot or hung. It all depended just how foul of a mood the big boss was … Read more


(Hey as said before PLEASE GIVE YOU COMMENTS! Constructive criticism is especially appreciated, thanks!) It was Clara that first took an envelope. With a large and audible gulp, Ashlynn picked up the other one, again repeating “I’m not into girls, “ then adding “we stop if I say stop, right?” I nodded, and smiled. “Yes, … Read more

Selling Your Soul Part 2

Selling Your Soul Ch2 Written and Edited by PgFalcon I fly back to the apartment, my black wings casting a shadow across the night sky. There are hardly any stars out though, this is the city after all, but the moon is still fairly bright. I rub my arms as I fly, basically nude, back … Read more

The School Spinster Takes A Chance

The School Spinster Takes A Chance (An Original Story by rutger5 – Copyright 2012) ____________________________________________________________________________________ “I’m telling you under the circumstances you’re doing the right thing Julie” her friend said to her as they sat sipping their coffee. “I know you’re right Lauren, but it’s so difficult. After all these years, heck my whole life … Read more

My Mom and My Dream Girl

Introduction My name is Will Chapman. I’m a 19-year-old college student, 5’8” and 160 lbs with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. I have always had trouble with girls my own age. It wasn’t that I was not good looking; it was because, despite being 19, I looked like I was 14. Whenever I … Read more

young fern part one

Young Fern Revised ~ Fern, the young girl next door loves breakfast with her Uncle Mike. ~ My next door neighbor, Tom was a handyman and made a very good living out of it doing what most of us had no hope of starting, finishing or completing. Every chance he got he would head off … Read more