Reading Allowed, Pt.7

READING ALLOWED, Part 7 One hour later, Marie was feeling decidedly cranky. Her wrists were cuffed securely to her collar, held there by short lengths of chain, so that her hands dangled impotently at the level of her shoulders. Her ankles were hobbled by an 18-inch length of chain, enough slack that she could walk … Read more

A Stranger in the Night

A Stranger in the Night I’m lying on my stomach with my eyes closed as he requested thinking “How did I let HIM talk me into this? I have never seen him, only texts online. He liked my Tattoo’s when he saw my cam show. He was different than most. He asked about me and … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 29)

Chapter 29 THE LOBBY DIVISION AND ANOTHER PARTY Michael welcomed Claire back to work by fucking her cunt. After she removed her panties, he bent her over his desk and stuck his cock into her twat. Claire had been expecting this for a while now and it came as no real surprise. She cried a … Read more


SATIN SLIP TO DREAM OF [Bastard] My brother-in-law and I passed (him going one way and me the other). I gave him the ‘finger’ but he didn’t recognize me in my brand new Hummer 4×4. I don’t even know why I bothered giving-the-bird to the son-of-a-bitch, wife-abusing, cheating bastard. The fact that my stepsister was … Read more

Under a Witch’s Spell Ch. 2

I was suddenly awakened by a slap across my bare ass. As I recoiled, I discovered Tatyana had released me from my bondage. As I slid off the table to my feet, I was groggy, almost as if I was a little tipsy. Slightly losing my balance, I reached down for the table and when … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 4)

Chapter 4 AFTER WORK Claire kept working, though, to get through the day. She described dozens of cunts, twats, and udders. She was embarrassed to occasionally feel her cunt getting wet looking at all the naked women. Every time it happened she took a break by getting up and getting another cup of cordial. She … Read more

The Terror of the Incubus

What is it about the night that amplifies our fears? Perhaps it is a primal instinct, born in a time when our ancestors huddled in caves for protection against noctural predators that posed a real and tangible threat to their very lives. Perhaps it is the darkness, a neutralizing of our primary sense that turns … Read more

The Beach House – Revisited

I’ve had countless requests to do another segment for a story I did at the beginning of the Summer (2011), and finally had the time and ambition to write something. For those of you who haven’t read the original story, I suggest you click on my ID at the top of the page, and read … Read more

Bimbo Potion: Revenge, Ch. 02

Author’s Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of nonconsensual sex, so if it’s illegal or immoral for you to be reading this, stop now! All characters and situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, 2020. All rights reserved. Thanks for reading! … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 27)

Chapter 27 TWO WEEKS LATER, AGAIN Claire couldn’t believe how different her life had become since she started working at Titcage. Everything she did was different now, and yet she was used to it. Two weeks had passed since her parents had broken up, and she had now completed all the requirements for S grade, … Read more

A guy and his….? 19 Unstoppable

Rashala saw that her Grandmother was smiling broadly at her, what was going on was she making fun of her? “So,” Yasmen started, “the mighty warrior has finally come up against a power you not only don’t understand, but you can’t defeat.” “Grandmother are you making fun of me? Making light of the problem I … Read more

Serenity part 2

The Following Day : Serenity had woken up and continued as if it were a regular morning, she showered, done her hair and makeup and went into the bedroom to get dressed. As she approached the bed she had seen that Nick had laid out something for her to wear for the day. Serenity got … Read more

Second Chances – Part Last

Early the next morning, Ben was already getting ready for another long drive. He snatched his cell phone up and without looking, turned the volume up in an autonomous motion. He prepped his log book and fired up the rig checking the oil pressure gauge for a few moments. He would just reach Tuscaloosa, Alabama … Read more

Predatrix One: An Education

After rushing through some toast and cereal, Michael casually threw the bottle of Predatrix in his bag and ran out the door. Today, of all days, he couldn’t afford to be late at school. It was the first day of the Parent Teacher Conferences. Throughout the cab ride to school, and all the while he … Read more

The Consultant and the LA Submissive Slut

Based on a true story Jessica sat in her bed, nervously checking her phone for incoming notifications. She had just responded to an ad online for an LA dominant looking for a local submissive. There was a ding and a message popped up on her screen. It was from a mid-twenties guy with dirty blond … Read more

Thai Massage, or massaging a Thai woman at least…

I’m writing this from my hotel in Thailand. I arrived during the rise of Omicron, so unfortunately the first two weeks of my work trip were spent in quarantine. Admittedly the time in my hotel wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but it’s impossible for a hotel to be 5 stars when you … Read more