New Desires

Work seems to have taken over my life in the last few years. Appointments, chemical shipments, equipment repairs, business meetings and finances haven’t left me much of a social life. I really should hire a staff member or two, I can certainly afford it, but the risk out weighs any reward. So instead I run … Read more

Owning Amaryllis part 3

“Mom, I’m home.” Carter didn’t know what to expect when he got home. Since morning, he had gotten alert after alert from the camera app he installed with his new camera setup. He had accidentally set it up on sentry-mode and left it in the main room; it sent him an alert as well as … Read more

Office Supplies

“What is that?” “It’s, uh, my dick.” “Why do you have it on my desk?” “Because I want your opinion.” “It’s…nice. I could put it to good use. I mean, if it were available.” “I’ve got plans for it if things go the way I hope.” “Your _hope_ is getting bigger. Maybe we should call … Read more

A Welcome Guest 14_(0)

Bast – Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love  Sekhmet – Goddess of fire, war, and dance  Hathor – Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility.  Serket – Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites  Maat – Goddess of Truth … Read more

Owning Amaryllis part 6

The next few days things had gone back to normal, as much as it could, although when Amaryllis had some time alone, she found herself masturbating in her room or on the couch downstairs. Carter was aware of this change too, either through the camera or from the soft moans coming from her room where … Read more

A guy and his…? 39 Physical

Jake turned slowly hearing the familiar female voice behind him. Finally he was face to face with a beautiful, wide eyed, dark haired Amira. “What do you mean it still may be possible? A shocked Jake told the royal princess. Bowing low to Jake she stated, “For all that you have done Master Jake, anything … Read more

Broken Bliss CH 6

The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned … Read more

03 put the beast asleep

I put the beast asleep I woke up and smiled and grinned, opening my eyes to see the mysterious guest from last night, but when I looked around and didn’t see the girl. Was I dreaming? I lift the blanket and the smell of sex and seeing the dry white on the sheet. Nope definitely … Read more

Conference Sex

“I’m just saying,” Dan said quietly, “conference sex is a thing.” “Geez, honey,” Jenn rolled her eyes. “It’s a work conference, not one of your pervy fantasies.” The airport crowds flowed around the young couple, people drifting in and out of shops and food stands or making their way to the security lines that stood … Read more

The Queen, the Slave ch 1-4

Ch 1 An idea is the most powerful thing; stronger than the sharpest sword and more resilient than the deadliest virus. Nothing can stop an idea when combined with the strongest emotion. Desire. It was this combination that allowed Alec to enslave Diana, the Queen of the relm. The trumpet blared throughout the hall, signaling … Read more

Owning Amaryllis part 4

This time when Carter drove home, he noticed the mail truck as it turned out from his street towards him; he caught a glimpse of what looked like a smug, satisfied grin on the bastard’s face. It took a great amount of strength not to ram the mail truck off the road at that moment … Read more

Blood of the Ancestor

INTRO I was in my mother’s village for my summer vacations. I was sitting under the shadow of a big eucalyptus tree with my cousin Jimmy enjoying an afternoon coffee. From where we were standing we had a great view of almost the whole village cause we were in a small hill. My uncle, a … Read more


Colleen wasn’t crazy about the idea, but…seriously….what choice did they have? “Do we really have to move back in with your father?” she lamented. Bruce, her husband, stared at the floor as he mumbled, “I don’t see any other way, hon.….we’re not just flat broke, we have a ton of debt. My father won’t like … Read more

Mother Kraken

“I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed. I dream of a day when they may rise to drag down mankind—when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor ascend amidst universal pandemonium.” -HP Lovecraft, “Dagon” *** One day … Read more