Tomboy named Sue_(2)

Our parents owned houses next door to each other. The neighborhood was lower middle class, so almost all families were living hand to mouth. Her Dad was a union machinist and did well enough so her mom did not have to work. My Dad’s goal in life was to own a home, something his parents … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Slave Chronicles 11: Sally, The Gift

Saturday, April 17th, 2031 – Sally Fritz – Washington D.C., North American District “Are you nervous?” Cardinal Jessie asked me. “I am, Mistress,” I promptly answered, smiling up at the beautiful, blonde woman. “You’re going to knock their socks off,” she grinned, rubbing my hair. Her husband, Cardinal Kevin, walked in and gave his wife … Read more

Pick Me

I love hanging with the guys. It’s such a nice change of pace. Girls are always bringing drama wherever they go. It’s kinda sad that I have to affiliate with them. Everything’s always the men’s fault. Can’t get a nice job? Men. Can’t afford to buy food? Men. Dropped out of college? Men. Can’t seem … Read more

02 Put the beast back asleep ~girl POV

I put the beast back asleep. (the girls point of view) I woke up and saw him asleep cuddled up against him and my mind was reeling from how I got here. I wonder if he remembers me from 6th grade. That’s how we met. My mom was a soldier and was always on the … Read more

My Fluffy Sister

My sister and I lived together while we were going to college in Seattle. About a year after we took the two bedroom apartment we had attended a party and both of us got fucked up enough that our morals were rendered lifeless by a flood of alcohol and a handful of meds. I’m not … Read more

Virgin Sacrifice_(0)

“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying.” -Robert Herrick, “To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time.” *** With his hands bound behind his back, Isaac marched through the woods. Seila walked behind him, prodding him whenever he slowed down. … Read more

Accidental text

Back to the story: Friday night, my wife and I had our friends from the neighbourhood over for drinks. This type of party happens every other weekend and almost always with the same group of 5-10 couples. Before everyone had arrived, the house was clean, everything was ready and my wife was running last minute … Read more

Prelude to Shattered Memories

You know, there’s this one quote that’s kind of always been stuck in my head. It’s a pretty famous quote. You know it, it’s from one of the physicists who worked on the Manhattan project. I think the guys name was… What was it… Robert Oppenheimer. The quote goes something like this. “… We knew … Read more


“Can we have two young girls, or two young boys, early twenties? Or perhaps one of each for our mutual sexual pleasure soon? Very soon,” she asked as we increased the tempo of our fucking. “Next week? Please baby, please?,” she moaned as we orgasmed together. Two weeks later we were circulating at a cocktail … Read more

Sarah’s Pictures

[u]Sarah loved taking picture[/u]s, it was her hobby, she especially liked taking pictures of spunky , handsome, athletic men. Sarah’s really enjoyed reviewing all the pictures she had taken, that had been saved on her computer. Sarah was more of a night owl, so it was 3 a.m. in the morning, as she sat at … Read more

Vacation at the Beach 2

VACATION AT THE BEACH 2 I was having a terrific dream, my sister Sarah was sucking my dick and I was just about to blow my load down her throat. I opened my eyes to see that it wasn’t a dream, it was real, my sister was sucking my dick and I was about to … Read more


So there I was, Balls deep in Eileen’s tight ass ready to……., but I get ahead of my self, let me start from the begining. I met Eileen on one of those internet dating sites. She was a divorced MILF who was looking for a man for a “non-Committal” intimate relationship. We passed a few … Read more

Timewalker pt 1a

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 1a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I don’t care!” Tanya cried out. Frank held her tightly while she beat on his chest with her fists. “That’s my daughter in there!” She broke down again, weeping hysterically. She allowed Frank to hold her tightly while she … Read more

Clara, part 1

Not long after I cut my grandfather off, an older male friend of mine invited me to go along with him one night to visit some girls who were going to be ‘camping out’ at the home of one of them. I made arrangements to spend the night with him, and we were supposed to … Read more