Alls fair in drugs and war PART2

Daddy: “So what exactly do you expect me to do? I can’t come up with that kind of money at the drop of a hat!” I can’t keep the emotions from my voice. Rage, anger, guilt, hate, disgust and so much more are running through my veins and keeping my eyes from my daughter who … Read more

Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 8

Chapter 8 Needless to say we attacked the rest of the season like wild animals, winning game after game. Every game won got me closer to my goal, and with the core group in my pocket I felt confident that I’d soon be up in my daughter. Sabine had just gone on assuming that the … Read more

Family Bonding_(0)

Bill had been living with just his daughter and step-daughter ever since his wife had left him for a younger man. He didn’t have a lot of money so Candy (his daughter) and Staci (his step-daughter) had to share a bedroom. They were both eighteen and seniors in high school. Candy was tall with long … Read more

Janice Blows

Nobody acts like this. Or do they? Porn girls gotta start somewhere. It was 2:30 in the afternoon and Brittany was cruising in her new red Beemer. The car was freshly washed and gleaming. This was the way Brittany wanted the car to look while she was out trolling. Near a local high school there … Read more

Skunk Junkies

Allen and I had several things in common which drew us into friendship early in college. We were both from small towns and we fell somewhere between the labels of “dweebish” and “geekish”. Throw in a little “nerdish” and I think you get the idea. We weren’t bad looking. Just skinny and socially awkward, especially … Read more

Broken Bliss CH 6

The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned … Read more

Soaked through

I knew she wouldn’t be happy that I didn’t go and collect her as it was raining so heavy but I was really busy in the house that I’d lost track of the time, anyway she had turned 16 the day before so she wanted her ‘Independence’. My name is Chris and I’m 24 and … Read more

Beach Party

Tom’s friend Maria has organised one of her famous parties at her large, many-roomed manor house on the edge of town. Proceedings start around 4pm in the afternoon and it is a ‘beach party’ based around the large outdoor pool. There are around eighty to a hundred guests who have to be in couples. The … Read more

A New Bride

“What’s it like?” Chrissy looked at me with her wide, sympathetic eyes and smiled warmly. “Well,” she said, “It hurts, but only the first few times, then you get used to it. Sex is kind of like eating ice cream. You know how you get a headache when you eat it really fast but you … Read more

Stepsister Seduction: Chapter 9 (rewrite): A wild threesome

Kelly was still slowly stroking Tim’s dick, her mind going over how she was acting. ‘I’m acting like a sex-crazed fiend, I can’t keep doing this. I’m a married woman,’ she said to herself, quickly looking at the kids. “I need to get to bed so I can get up for work,” she exclaimed, letting … Read more


Chapter Two The early Saturday morning sun was shining through the window as Emily felt her bed sink a little. She opened her eyes and glared at Thomas. “Why are you in here? Can’t you stay out of my room if I have to stay out of yours?” He shrugged. “Maybe I wanted more of … Read more


Mr. Warren’s class, he is a easy teacher to get along with but you can’t really understand a word her says somethings. Anyway one day in his Chem class, it was the start of a new semester and that means that we get new seat in his class. Well me and my friend Sanky looked … Read more

Innocent Asian Teen Turned Into A Slave Chapter 3

“Wear a skirt on Sunday. No bra or panties.” Sophia read the curt text and sighed. She had essentially been forced to give up everything else in her life just to pleasure Master Liam. Instead of going to culinary club on Thursday during lunch, she spent the time sucking on his balls in the Tesla. … Read more

My perfect little life

My perfect little life I wake up early,it’s 6.30am monday morning.I glance out the window,noticing although it’s sunny,there’s a few dark cloud’creeping over.I stretch my body and my arm’s out to have a big yawn. I feel some faint twinges from my little pussy,just letting me know not to be too brutal today,from the stretching … Read more