Some of Samone’s life story.

Samone was a young black girl of 22. Her mother had died while she was in high school. She now lived with her sister, Trish, and her father. It was a very hard time for all three. Not long after her mother’s death, her father began drinking. A lot. He came home most nights quite … Read more


PREFACE This was originally posted in Jan 2007 as a short story to someone’s request, but lost with the revision to the SEX STORIES. I had re-edited it – hopefully with no errors and re-posted it in the forum on Feb 11, 2009. It had good reviews and readership. This was the original parts one … Read more


When I was 11 years old my family and I went on holidays to New York to visit my aunt Maria and her husband. As they lived so far away I had only ever met her once before when I was quite young. I had never met her husband Alan or my two little cousins … Read more

Swing Shift, part 5

*** Thank you for being patient with me, proofreader. If you publish after these changes, please erase this message. *** When I came out Franky was chatting with an older lady that I’d seen before. I couldn’t see a scene like that without imagining that they were screwing. The lady was in her 30s or … Read more

European Nightmare Part V

The smoke from the stubbed out cigarette curled into the air in thin blue wispy tails. As he pored over the documents, the greying detective’s furrowed brow sweated slightly. Years of working on this case had consumed him, costing him his wife, his family, his house and most of his friends. All he had left … Read more

Behind The Castle Doors

As I walk home late, the rain pours down on me in icy sheets that chill me to the bone. The only thing running through my head is why am I so stupid for walking down here. I hear a crash from behind me. I do something more stupid then walking down the alley. I … Read more


The Cruise Chapter 1 Last year I decided to treat myself to a vacation I would remember, I work hard as a computer systems consultant and thought I deserved it, so after a little research into the different types of vacations available a cruise round Europe caught my eye, this was duly booked and preparations … Read more

The Best Week of my Life Pt7

Sunday Four o’clock in the afternoon, and I looked down dejectedly as another text message came through offering well wishes but apologies for absence. This latest one from Bonnie Tranter was a real body blow. My own fault, I guessed, for giving such short notice, I’d hoped nonetheless that a dozen close friends and relatives … Read more

I’m Telling Dad!

I’m Telling Dad! “Ouch!”…”I’m telling dad!” I heard my daughter say. She raced down the stairs and jumped in my recliner with me, and snuggled up. “Kurt flipped me on my butt, hard!…daddy.” I smiled as usual, and yelled–”Kurt!…you come down here and kiss your sisters butt, and make it feel all better!”… I hear … Read more

3 evil sisters Part 9 Final copy

The voice of Izzy still rang in my head of her saying that Gene and Tiffany were at the house. My mind got distracted at looking at Riley’s ass bobbing up and down and shifting side to side while she was pedaling that I lost all control of the bike nearly crashing into a lamppost … Read more

My wife and her friend part 1

Chapter 1: Friday night “She’s going to be here soon, so hurry up.” My wife’s voice echoed down the hallway towards the open bathroom door. As I stood in the shower, rinsing the soap off my body. The hot water soothing my stiff muscles from a hard day’s work. A nice hot shower after a … Read more

Cheerleaders’ Rape and Torture – Chp33

“So Mack know we’re coming?” Jim took a swig of his beer as girls danced on the stage up behind the bar; the teeny, tiny bikinis the girls wore barely covered their gyrating nubile bodies as their reflections swayed in the full length mirrors behind them, reflecting everything, in lurid obscene detail. “Yeah, I gave … Read more

Showing Thanks to My Gymnastics Coach

Coaches thoughts . . . Sometimes it’s amazing how one little things can lead to another. I was playing three handed pinnacle with some friends of mine for money one night and the subject turned to gymnastics. That’s not so surprising, since I am a gymnastics coach, and I have a club in Taylor about … Read more

Protective Husband Four Loves part 1

Protective Husband Four Loves part 1 I can hardly believe what’s all just happen sense last Friday. This last six days has been the most eventful in my entire life. I finally reunited with Jewels after nearly fifteen years. Jewels brought with her my two daughters, Little Bobby and Morgan. Jewels insisted on me becoming … Read more

I’m In Love With Twin Vampires

It was a chilly November evening. I walked down the sidewalk of the city streets at twilight, somewhat oblivious to what was going on around me. Frankly, I didn’t care what anyone else was doing. Hell, like there was anything to give a shit about. Life really sucked ass for me. For the past five … Read more

Cheerleaders’ Rape and Torture – Chp34

Cheerleaders Rape and Torture Semiater Chapter Thirty-Four ——————————————————– This is a Non-Consensual, rough story, and if that’s not what you’re interested in, don’t bother reading. This is a fictional work, it’s a creative enterprise, so don’t bother to read if you’re not looking for NC writing. I do enjoy getting comments from people, who like … Read more

Linda and Bobby, First time

The time is after school on Friday. Linda, 15 years old, and Bobby, 16 years old, are sitting in the kitchen looking for an afterschool snack. “Linda, you look like you are down in the dumps. What is wrong?” “It’s the girls at school. They are really bugging me.” “Keep talking.” “They are always talking … Read more