A Royal’s Lust 2

“P-permission to speak freely your highness,” I asked as I followed him deeper into the woods. “I didn’t bring you here to stand in silence Dominic” “Please spare Prince Allen sir, it was me who seduced him, I’m prepared to be stripped of my rank and of my life but please don’t hurt him” I … Read more

Becoming the Devil Ch. 02

Becoming the Devil Ch. 02 I stood there, naked, my dick still dripping cum and a smile on my face. This had been the single most fulfilling sex experience I ever had. The way she had moaned, grunted, orgasmed everything was perfect. But I still needed to wipe everything up. Why? I was a movie … Read more


Christina pulled her hair to one side allowing it to fall over her shoulder, taking a good at herself in the mirror; she deserved a rest, although it didn’t show in her face. It didn’t make sense to her, how can she feel tired when she sleeps so deep, her friends told her that she … Read more

Coach Kaitlin’s Domination

“Kaitlin, a word in before you head out please?”, came the voice of head coach Drew behind her. It was Wednesday evening, and they had just completed a successful practice at the rowing club. Wondering what this might be about, Kaitlin followed Drew into the boathouse office. She felt Drew was eyeing her body as … Read more

Avenging Angel chapter 3

QUESTIONS AND CONJECTURES Mental turbulence kept me awake half the night, and when I slept my dreams were lurid. It was still dark when the lash of cold rain on my window whipped away the belated harbinger of repose. I stumbled out of bed, put on the previous day’s clothes, made coffee and turned up … Read more

Rape In A Cemetery

Chapter 1 A Rainy Day What a day to be going to the cemetery, thought pretty Marie Bogle, as the windshield wipers moved slowly back and forth. It was a bleak day. A gray sheet obscured the sky. Rain drizzled. She could have waited until a better day, but she wanted to have pictures of … Read more

Demon Chained

just an idea, maybe u like maybe you hate maybe you dont care. maybe a chapter two…..PS i wont care about people that go ‘use spell check’ cause i do and somtimes the words they offer are not what i want. i am not looking to make money or fame this is just a vent … Read more


I head down the hallway to detention. Ugh. This is SUCH a waste of time. I could be rehearsing lines or doing homework! I decide to dress fashionable one day and everybody panics! I wore my new corset/tank top, a short black skirt, and my black ankle boots. Hey I have a curvy body but … Read more

Ski Trip_(0)

Introduction Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was … Read more


I always get what I want. That’s just how it works, it’s how it has always worked. I love using my power for bad, it’s just too naughty. It feel too good to refuse, it excites me beyond anything I’ve ever felt. Even thinking about it right now makes me want to push my fingers … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 18 and 19)

Chapter 18 BEN VISITS AGAIN When Claire got home, her father quickly discovered her pierced clitoris. ‘What’s this?’ he demanded. ‘Work made me get it,’ Claire mumbled. She was lying on her father’s lap with her legs spread, ready to have her cunt spanked. ‘Don’t lie, young lady,’ said her father. ‘This is something you … Read more

The Storm (II)

There was an explosion a few blocks to the west of the building, a gigantic blast that shook the windows and the walls of the tenement building, and snapped him from his reminiscing. The brunette didn’t stop stroking his cock; indeed, she tightened her grip and began jerking him with even more intensity and focus. … Read more

Awakened PassionsCh1

CH1 Larain and Robby lived in the middle of Butt Fuck no were. When they had first gotten together he was sweet and sensual, always wanting to fuck her and explore her body. Now though it seemed as though all he wanted was to hunt and drink. He had ,after all, bought the 120 acres … Read more