Perils of Adventure Ch.01 – Silke

The day our heroines’ collective fate began its drift towards the unthinkable was born much like any other. When the company awoke and broke camp it was under clear skies with the mighty sun just cresting over the Eastern horizon. As they set out the same gentle breeze that had whispered them to sleep the … Read more


This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex. If you don’t like this type … Read more

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 7)

Chapter 8: Day 2 with Big Joe Hannah wasn’t sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. She’d never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded off, and her raw asshole was so excruciatingly … Read more

Is It Punishment If She Likes It?

“What am I going to do with you, slut? For now, strip for me, slowly,” I demand while slapping a riding crop in my hand. “Once completely nude, turn, face the bed, bend down, and place your hands on the mattress.” “Yes, Sir. Again, I’m very sorry.” While you wait, anticipating that initial sting of … Read more

The Spanking Stories – #2: Memento Morey

 Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day.She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket. Hell with it. She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them … Read more

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 1)

Synopsis: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly. Will they eventually demand ransom from her family? Sell her into slavery? … Read more

In the darkness

You look gorgeous tonight babe,That red dress suits your curves and hair colour perfectly!’ Nia cooed at her friend. Gabby twirled in the mirror happy with the way her outfit had turned out. ‘Taxi’s here c’mon girl lets get dancing’ Nia shook her ass as she walked to the taxi. Once at the night club … Read more

Training a Jock Slut Chapter 2

Training a Jock Slut – Chapter 2 Brody Gets Trapped Coach went to school the next day in earnest. He had to teach two Gym classes for 9th Graders before wrestling practice. His cock was hard and leaking the whole day from the anticipation. He was going to use Brody’s mouth today. He just could … Read more

my fetishes

all of us have fetishes. you just have to find the right person to help you release them. my fetishes were released a little while after i met my boyfriend. it all started about a year ago… it was late at night and he was drunk. i was also very horny. we starting having our … Read more