Stringing Up Sandi

Cultivating a target takes time. Months of planning, surveillance, endless details. They say the hunt is better than the catch, they haven’t seen my catches. My current target was Sandi, the first test of a revised approach to my little hobby. She’s a little older – mid 50s – which brought significant advantages. No kids … Read more

The Night With a Demon

Over the next few days, my life went up and up and never came down. My parents stopped fighting, I made more friends, did better in school. My life was perfect. But I still dreamed of and longed for Joshua. His lips, hands. His scent. Everything about him made me want him more and more. … Read more

The night she will never be able to forget

Atia slowly regained consciousness. The first thing she realized was that she could not move, then that she was naked and then that there was someone or something touching her between her legs. Atia was a twenty-three year old African-American woman, 5’3″ tall and weighed 103 pounds. She had short, black, curly hair, milk chocolate … Read more

Golden Lust Ch.07

Darn it, darn it, DARN IT! This is a bad… real bad. How…? When…? WHY did things end up like this? All I wanted & tried to do, was go home immediately after class. Miraculously enough I was actually able to get through my entire Sociology class, without Tammy’s playful antics of rubbing and caressing … Read more

A Late Night at the Office

Claire sat at her desk, recalculating the spreadsheet she was working on for the umpteenth time. ‘God I hate annual budgets’ she muttered to herself and scrolled to the bottom to see the effect her latest changes had made. ‘That’s better’, she said as she compared the new figures to her targets with a mixture … Read more

The Short Sexual History of Coora, a Slave

The Short Sexual History of Coora – A Slave. Olga’s note: Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight novels, wrote a short story retold from the viewpoint of a minor character, someone who walks into the scene of one of her novels and is almost immediately killed. In my stories, at least the ones so far, … Read more


Prologue The conversation was carried on in a language few people would have been able to understand, let alone speak. Translated into colloquial American English, it might have sounded something like this: “But it is possible? Originally you said it could not be accomplished at all.” “Possible, yes. Feasible — who knows? It is a … Read more

Gotta Break ‘Em All 3: Machoke used Submission!

The town known as Azalea was in its final hours of existence as a populated settlement. The fate of its inhabitants was sealed, because a Machoke with an insatiable drive to kill had taken over, having evolved during a battle following an attempted takeover by Team Rocket. He was taller than many humans and perfectly … Read more

Calving Signs – part 5_(1)

“He’s wearing a tie,” Anne reported, peering out the front window. “So?” “So…” Anne frowned. Even late at night she wore another dress, a white one, with pink flowers embroidered over her breasts. Plus heels. “So you should dress up. It’s polite.” Terri rolled her eyes even as she tugged nervously on the hem of … Read more

Lovely Tyrant

“Hey Trey, wait up,” I hear Miki call to me from somewhere behind me. I turn back toward school to see her long brown pony tail wagging behind her as she runs to catch up to me and I cannot help but get hard watching her big breasts bounce with her hair. “I got a … Read more

Caitlin’s Detention

“Why is today so slow?” I thought to myself standing in front of my class teaching about various historical figures and events. “That’s right, he’s here right now.” I thought shooting a glare over to a man watching as I taught. You see, I’m a first time teacher. This group of students are the first … Read more


Owned by a Young Stud – Blackmail – Part 5 It was only Monday, and already Jenny’s life had turned completely upside down. She was now owned – completely – by a group of college guys who lived a couple houses down. Her husband didn’t know. Her daughter didn’t know. And Jenny was loving every … Read more


Chapter 1 “The Beginning” Tom roughly grabbed the back of my head, holding my face tight against his groin. As he slid further into my throat, causing me to gag some. My tongue rapidly caressing the underside of his rigid cock. “Oh, fuck. I’m going to cum,” he moaned. His verbal cue was hardly necessary … Read more

The Party: Formal Ending

We’re standing in the living room area, holding glasses of wine and making light conversation with the people around us. I’ve dressed as you desired tonight: a black, low cut, thigh high and form fitting silk dress. You want the others to admire me as you hook your arm around my waist. Discreetly, you pull … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 1)

Chapter One TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest … Read more