Columbian Drug Lords revenge part 2

Cesar Mendez his countries greatest drug lord took another sip of fine wine as he sliced his roasted chicken in two. His cell was the finest imaginable with all the comforts of home including his own personal chef; but in the end it was still a cell. “My friend,” he coughed between great mouthfuls of … Read more

Gotta Break ‘Em All 6: His hard, Golden rod ready for massacre

The Machamp came out of the trading station building, alongside Machop and the accompanying humans, and witnessed several localized conflicts in the streets. He wasn’t going to intervene immediately, though. He communicated his priority to Machop: sealing off the exits from the city, just as he had done in Azalea. This was not going to … Read more

What if I gave you carte blanche to choose a new lover or lovers for me?

“Let me think about it, though you know me well enough to guess what I might *********** for you as a new lover. Is the new lover or lovers just for you or are we to share? Even better instead of telling you I might make it happen as a surprise for you.” Sarah, is … Read more

Don’t lose Alex!

-=This is a continuation of the Babysitting Alex series, it takes place 3 years after the events of the previous stories and it’s a direct continuation of the Final A, have fun reading it, one small thing, Characters narration with change when the name is like this -Alex- or -Matt- it’ll introduce different points of … Read more

A Ride in the Rain

I went to college about 75 miles from my home. About once a month I would go home for the weekend, bringing my laundry with me in a battered brown case that once belonged to my father. I’m sure my mother noticed the dried pale yellow stains on my T-shirts and briefs but mercifully never … Read more

Dad Doesn’t Stand A Chance: Part 10

Ben and I discussed our plan of attack for tonight as we drove over to pick up Kristen. I would pretend that I was coming down with the flu and we would ditch the movies and relocate back to our house with some take out and DVDs. Throughout the night I would excuse myself for … Read more

Pottercest – Father and Daughter…_(1)

Father and Daughter… Summary: Lily-Luna Potter returns home for summer after her fifth year at Hogwarts, but is upset about her boyfriend, now Ex-boyfriend, becoming pushy about his desires and talks to her father whilst her mother is out. But things don’t go as planned for either of them. 27th of June 2025 Harry Potter, … Read more

So you want to be a Bimbo? Week 1

Introduction So you’ve decided to take your first step to become the best version of yourself. No, this isn’t a self-help book. It’s more of a guide to your own sexual awakening. If you follow these steps, you will feel happier and more confident. And, of course, you will be turning heads when you walk … Read more

Taking Her – Part 2

Taking her – Part 2 – Breakfast You wake to cold water blasting on you. He is hosing you off. “God you smell like a dried up whore house slut. ” He pulls the dildos out of your pussy and ass, then sticks the hose full blast in one then the other. When he is … Read more

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 11)

Chapter 12: Hannah’s Bold Escape Attempt Hannah did not come close to making her $3000 quota. By the time she got back out to the bar, it was past midnight and more than half of the patrons she’d seen when Wayne and Carl had bought her were long gone. Moreover, after the horrendous nightmare the … Read more

The Party – Casual Ending

We’re at a friend’s place on a Saturday night, enjoying a party they’re throwing. The music is on and people are crowded everywhere…. Drinking, dancing, and having an all-around good time. You’re sitting on the couch and I’m seated on your lap as we observe all the entertainment around us. I’m wearing my favourite pair … Read more

The Battered Lamp Seven: The Jealousy of the Witch

Monday, January 18th – South Hill, Washington “So this is the wife?” Britney asked when she opened the door of Kyle’s car. “Yeah. Aaliyah, this is my best friend, Britney.” The Genie smiled, turning around and extending her hand into the rear seats were Britney squeezed in next to Chyna. Fatima was on the other … Read more

The Family BBC – Chapter 10 (end)

Chapter 10 “Mom! I thought you looked sleazy on Ridley’s birthday, but now you’ve put on things a streetwalker wears.” “Hush, Peg, and remember your brother is Rider from now on.” “But that skirt- are you even wearing panties?” She could easily tell I wasn’t wearing a bra under my thin top. She tried a … Read more

Darla’s Revenge

“I’ve had about enough of this, Conrad Streeter. Please be so good as to drive me home right this instant.” “Find your own way home, you stuck up frigid cunt,” Conrad replied to a roar of approval from the drunken patrons watching them fight. Darla’s face turned a bright pink. No one had ever spoken … Read more

the warrior revenge chapter 1

Warrior Revenge (This is my second story and I made story better and more interesting and please comment below hope this story entertains you.) (This is important, read this) There in the time of the dark ages there was a brave and tuff warrior, some thought he was their savoir sent from the gods others … Read more