Me and Jim #2

“So, uh, what do we do now?” asked Jim. “What do you mean?” “Well, do you want to go any further?” “Like what?” I asked. “I don’t know…This’ll sound kind of weird, but I’ve always wanted to…fuck someone up the ass.” “Are you kidding? That thing would destroy me!” I stared at his fat cock, … Read more

Our Only Hope, Chapter 02

This is Chapter Two of a book. The characters and situations will be more understandable if the previous chapters have been read. Because it is a book, some of the chapters are more exciting than others, and some situations do not complete until the next chapter. I could have run this through my regular publisher … Read more

Went For an Interview and Got Enslaved!

Jenna took a double-take at the secretary as she approached the desk to check in for her interview. The woman’s bossom was all but spilling out onto the monthly calendar that she leaned over, marking dates. Jenna suddenly felt overdressed in her turtleneck sweater and long, professional skirt, even while she felt the fabric clung … Read more

Demologia 01: Rise of a Demon 01

Fires flare on the barren, rocky fields of Hell, the stench of brimstone thick as the sulfurous clouds which occasionally rained acid. Used to such, Damien stalks across a blood-soaked battlefield, his eyes burning with determination. An elite blood demon soldier, his deep red skin blended into the terrain, broken up by his black leather … Read more

Demologia 01: Rise of a Demon 02

Damien pulls Lillith through the door to his bedroom, then tosses her onto the bed. He smiles as she bounces on the lavish mattress, then shuts the door tight. “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together, Lillith.” The lavishly appointed room is bathed in the dim light of a single candle, … Read more


How could they be so short-sighted?! I asked myself, slamming the door to my laboratory. It was probably the stupid Ethics Committee, the perpetual enemy of real scientific progress. And just as I was on the verge of a breakthrough! I had recently finalized a prototype for a project I’d been working on for three … Read more

Ostnordia at War – chapter 1 of 3

Ostnordia at War Chapter 1 – Defeated, Dominated, and Delighted – This story takes place close to modern day on an alternate Earth. The Euro-Corporate party won control of nearly all major elected offices. That’s the only change it took, to lead the world to the brink of Hell. The heavily slanted courts decided Corporations … Read more

Night Games_(0)

It looks like rape, but keep reading you never know what can happen late at night in an old subarban neighborhood Thud Thud Thud, that was the only sound that hit her ears as she walked through the endless rows of houses in her neighborhood. For some reason, she had so much energy tonight. At … Read more

Uncle, Mom and Me

This story is a bit twisted. Let me introduce the characters, Me-a little fat boy(20 years) my mother-village and old fashioned type who still know nothing of sex other than something done by a husband resulting in a son. I am the only son. The incident so happened that like usual my mom used to … Read more

The Bigger Picture

It’s the best thing in the world when a plan comes together. I want hypnosis power, I make hypnosis power. I want Kate Upton, I call to claim Kate Upton. And with an indisputably superior set up than she’s used to, the pictures are gonna be infinitely better than any studio she’s worked with. God, … Read more

Personal Journal of Dr. Cindy Cox

Personal Journal of Doctor Cindy Cox, Behavioral Therapist and Psychologist August 15th – Doctor Davis has asked me to take over a couple of his patients while he honeymoons in Paris. It was a beautiful wedding, tastefully done. While Chris and I have had our ups and downs, I think Beverly will be good for … Read more

Isabella: Part 3: Slave

Isabella and Alex each could hardly keep a straight face over dinner at a restaurant and family time in the hotel lounge area. They both kept blushing every time they looked at each other. Everyone was concerned but not really suspicious. Isabella still had his cum inside her and could feel it constantly. It made … Read more

Little Blonde Cunt

The following is a work of fiction intended as an erotic fantasy. The author does not promote, condone, or in any way endorse actual rape, sexual assault, or any other violent, immoral, and/or illegal act described herein. I leaned on the wall, a plastic cup full of beer held in my right hand. I was … Read more

Love in the Woods Part 1

I was just walking in the woods, rocking out to the Black Veil Brides. I was in my classic Goth look. Black tank top, cargo pants, fedora, Converse, socks, and even my nails were painted black. From under my tank top you could clearly see the straps of a black sports bra and from the … Read more