The Pool

It had been a long process but the pool project was finally finished and it was time to enjoy it… Chris and Megan had always hoped to be able to have this backyard oasis to relax and spend quality time together with family and friends. What had long been a dream quickly became a reality … Read more

A Little More of a Surprise

A little more of a Surprise Note: This is part two of A Little Surprise. Hope you enjoy!! The Sun beamed through a small creak in the curtain. The warmth of the sun kissed my skin ever so softly. I rolled over and found an empty space, also the feel of a blanket of some … Read more

If only every work place had a vampire….

Today has been a strange day. Firstly it’s my “birthday”. I don’t mean my normal birthday, I don’t exactly have those anymore, today is my Vampire Birthday. 121 years of being a vampire, 121 years of being stuck at 22, 121 years of drinking nothing but blood for breakfast, lunch and tea. Not that I … Read more

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 15) – Job Interview

Chapter 15 JOB INTERVIEW On Saturday morning there was an email from Laura’s blackmailer. She found it early in the morning. She’d gotten up early, and Erica was still asleep in bed, sprawled nude across the sheets, recovering from the raping Laura had given her last night. Laura had crept out of the bedroom, gone … Read more

Hiking Trips 2

For the next three weeks Greta and Tami had gone through their usual routine of going to the valley early in the morning, hiking around for an hour or so until they reached the creek where they would give blowjobs and hand-jobs to the male horses that occupied it. A couple of times there weren’t … Read more

King High: Bathroom Break

King High Misses Oliver’s chemistry class sat huddled around a wooden table in the centre of her classroom, observing intently as she poured a mixture of liquids together to create smokes and fizzing sounds. The boys were wide-eyed with a teenage lust for destruction, broad grins sitting on their faces, whilst the girls sat and … Read more

Hiking Trips 3

Tami was the first to wake up the next day; she panted at the intense heat in the tent and rolled away from where she was cuddled against Greta. She was dressed in a tank top and panties because in the middle of the night the heat had gotten to her and she’d tied her … Read more

Ms. Garcia and Elizabeth

It was the first day of my freashman year at highschool and may I say I was a nervous reck! All of these new people and new teachers, I had no idea where to go! Somehow I managed to get to my first period right after the tardy bell rang. I guess that’s not a … Read more

The Story of Jenny. Part One

While based on real events, this story is pretty much entirely fictional. This is my first story so any advice or critisicm is welcome. Jenny was your average teenage girl. She had slightly long, blonde hair, that ended somewhere between her shoulders and the middle of her back. Her nails were nearly always painted black, … Read more

Potential Part 3

Disclaimers: This is a creative, nonfiction story based on actual events. All names, locations and time-lines have been changed to protect the guilty. I have also added details and events to make it a good story while maintaining anonymity. Story note: Yes, the story starts slow. That is out of respect for anyone the story … Read more

First my boss and then the receptionist

I had just gotten back to the office from a late lunch meeting with a senior client and was quiet please with how everything had played out. I was sure the deal was final and we were guaranteed some additional business here on the west coast once all of the paper work was signed. I … Read more

Icy’s Age of Lesbo Discovery

Hi my name’s Icy. I’m a mean fourteen year old lesbo. Like sometimes this hot, straight chick will come up to me at a party and ask point blank, “Uh, hay Icy when did you like become a lesbian?” Of course I sometimes ask myself the same question, I ask how it happened or when … Read more

Upskirt Photography Can Be Fun

Those of you who live in the UK, or any of those places with real seasons, will know that one of the best things about the end of winter and the warm weather starting is the opportunity to shed the winter woollies and get out the summery stuff. If, like me, you’re a bit of … Read more

Keio – The Green pills

“Get your body toned! Get in shape! Become the girl of everyones dreams!” The commercial message had been hammering down hard on Keio’s mind now for months. She saw the ad several times a day – on FB, via mails in her apps… She had always, at least since her school-years (which weren’t that long … Read more

Lisa and Lucy (part 1)

I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming at me to wake up. “LISA GET YOUR ASS UP ALREADY!” “Fucking bitch” I muttered. “I HEARD THAT!” I slowly walked to my curtains and opened them to see the morning sky of Monday. I got ready and waited for my bus to arrive. When … Read more