A Girlfriends Understanding Love

“Leah! I’m home!” Jade called out as she closed the door to their apartment. Leah and Jade had been living together for little over a year now. They had been dating for three years, but when Leah had started college a year ago after finishing her ten month program to become an LPN they had … Read more

A Tiger’s Tale

All my stories take place on an alternate earth with an orbit 3X that of our earth, making ages 1/3 what they would be on earth. The orange and black striped tail brushed back and forth over my forehead, she couldn’t hold still as I racked my tongue over her tiny clit, over and over. … Read more

Nurse Mom – Chapter 11 – Pool party

The next few days were fairly regular days compared to the last couple weeks of my life. I was able to have Sue over the next night, and I met with Ashley again the day after that to do similar play to what we had done before. The next day I simply recovered so that … Read more

Lessons From My Cousin, Part 1

My name is Kristy and I’m a lesbian. It’s not that I like women better than men or that I have lesbian tenancies. Believe me when I say that it is not my preference to make love with a woman but it is my only desire because I have only loved women and have never … Read more

Seductive Stoners

Seductive Stoners This is my first story. I got off work promptly at 5 o’clock and texted Liv the second I got out to the parking lot. I quickly typed “hey bud, ima go grab and be home by sixish” on my Blackberry before hopping into my Volvo and heading downtown. A friend of a … Read more

Evacuee 9 – Rose and Helen reveal a lesbian past by

The following day Rose gazed wistfully out of the lounge window as her daughter played in the garden with David. Rose was glad Caroline, being a city girl, was taking the moving about the country so well and only wished she could do the same. Over lunch she and her sister Helen had spoken about … Read more

Sisters in Slavery The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon – – Author’s note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one … Read more

Harry Potter: A Captive Love

It was Christmas holidays, and most of the students had gone home. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, however, were away on vacation, leaving their high-spirited red-heads at Hogwarts. The Grangers sent a letter to their gifted daughter sending all their love, but informing her that they had both contracted a nasty flu and that she’d be … Read more

Lady in White

I could see her standing in the window of the hotel room, all I could see was a flowing white figure. She was watching me as I got things out of my car, walking back into the hotel I took the elevator to the 17th floor. I walked slowly down the corridor toward her room. … Read more

First time_(15)

Hi. My name is Jessica. In high school, I was a normal, regular girl; I was about five-foot-seven with a toned body, shoulder-length auburn hair, light white skin, c-cup breasts, and a plump, round, ass. I’m not trying to brag about my attractiveness, because there is something about me that makes me completely sexually undesirable … Read more

Nurse Kate

School was not my favourite place as I am sure it was not for most. When I was 16 my parents separated and I took it extremely hard. I gained an attitude and took to smoking weed on a regular basis. My mother in an attempt to help me to get away from my friends … Read more

Sara Paylan R.N.: Casual Work at a High School

I was a bit confused about why Amber was even here? I worked as a casual nurse at the local high school. I shared it with another nurse but that girl was not here today because it was her off day. Amber had come into my office complaining about being sick. I had examined her … Read more

Power Pussy 5 Ab

Power Pussy 5 I am in my first year at college and live in the dorms on campus. I couldn’t afford anything else. In my history class was a very beautiful girl named Audrey. She was a sophomore about 5’10”, 115 lbs, dark hair, with a kinda Italian look to her. She had an incredible … Read more


University is complicated no matter the circumstances, but for Nick Kotsopoulous it was all that much harder. Leaving her family and all that she’d ever known, she traveled half way across the world for the chance of expanding her horizons by getting her doctorate in English from Yale University. The decision was a hard one … Read more