The Priestess

The Pristess Chapter 1: She looked out of the space dock concourse window onto the stars. They were more magnificent than she remembered. The last time she had seen the stars, she had been a novice. Barley a year into the Temple of the Goddess Zochetzal (Goddess of the moon, fertility, love, sensual pleasure and … Read more

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 29) – Her Brother, Part One

Chapter 29 HER BROTHER, PART ONE Laura looked again at the rules for interacting with her brother during his visit to town. (1) Dress like a slut. Your outfit should be at least as slutty and publicly inappropriate as if you were wearing nothing but underwear. (2) Don’t discourage him in any way from any … Read more


“Do you think you can really control her?” Wilma Grafton asked while glancing over at her sullen niece, Rebecca. “Well,” Gwen Caine replied gently, “it really isn’t a matter of controlling her.” “What we can do is only try to help her through this very difficult time in her young life.” “I see,” Wilma said … Read more

How I became Captain of the Highschool Swim Team Part 2

Re-cap: Eve and her girlfriend were silently caught, by their swim coach, having lesbian sex in the school showers. Eve noticed her coach watching and masturbating. Later that night Eve gets a phone call from her coach offering her and Katey co-captainship of the swim team, if they were willing to ‘discuss’ the scene that … Read more

The Sales Girl

Kathy stood by the front door of Cox Shoe Store waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o’clock and she had a lot to do before Mark picked her up to go to the movies, but as luck would have, at five to five another customer walked through … Read more

Revenge Of The Cyber Queen

Chapter 1: Moans of Despair And Lust. As Johnny (dark-haired & muscular football jock) and Lucinda (cute petite ponytailed-brunette with a perky personality) were about to walk into the Advanced Virtual computer lab, they gave each other an apprehensive look. It was going to be very awkward working with Professor Ava after Johnny had rejected … Read more


I set my keys down on the kitchen counter and made for the fridge. As I reached for a soda I thought I heard giggling. “God what are they up to now?” I thought. I could see the light coming from underneath the door of Missy’s room. “Prolly watching a porn film or something and … Read more

The Classified Ad

For perhaps the sixth time that morning, Jackie Esposito reread the bulletin board classified on her computer screen. As she had the previous five times, she slowly shook her head. What had ever possessed her to write such an ad? Silently, she read it again. “Married White Female – 20. Brooklyn, NY Bi-curious. Looking for … Read more

Come for Me, Kaitie.

Katie closed the door and walks into the living room, letting her school bag fall to the floor. “I’m home?” She walked over to the fridge and searched for a snack. Charlie walked in, tying her hair up. “Oh, hey you’re home” Katie nodded as she stuffed a muffin into her mouth. Charlie watched her … Read more

Fortune Teller…part one

My name is Passion, not the real name of mine, but it will do for this story. About three years ago I was traveling in North America, near the American-Canadian border where a small motel was found. Just one of these quaint little places found off the highway; that is high in the forested mountains, … Read more

TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara – Part 2

In a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and … Read more

Serenity Valley-Chapter 3

Everyone went their own ways. Chantell and Sierra went into the den to relax and get to know each other and Dianna went to the guesthouse to clean up. Dianna took a nice long relaxing shower. Washing all the grease and dirt off. As she was drying off and looking in the mirror she admired … Read more

The Ba

The Babysitter part 3 Nancy sat there shaking her head “what a mess, I’m supposed to be the one getting the cum!” Nancy stood up “I’m grabbing a shower while you lot get sorted”, “I’ll join you” said Mum getting up as well. Bob and Darcy just lay there relaxed and calm so I had … Read more


Paula was going out of her mind, she was down to her last twenty dollars and if she didn’t find a steady source of income in a hurry she was gonna find herself out on the street!!! The rent was due in just three more day, no, make that three months rent was due in … Read more


I had been studying for what seemed forever. My finals were a week away and I felt like the semester had just started. This was my last round of finals. I completed my Thesis and all that stood in the way of me graduating were those damned finals. As luck had it the biggest book … Read more

Damien Skylar chapter 3

Chapter 3 *Part 7* “So this is how you deal with break up’s Shell? Killing things?” I say mockingly as I pull my dagger out of the last of the Daemons we were tracking, brushing the blood off onto my jeans. The reason we kill Daemon’s is because they consume human’s souls. Innocent human souls, … Read more

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 18) – Raping Erica

To: Cow Udders From: You-Know-Who Your friend Michael is coming round today to check on his “investment”. You have a special mission. (1) Get Michael to fuck your bitch girlfriend Erica in the cunt, unprotected, and ejaculate. (2) Erica must not consent, and you can’t give her any of your drugs. (3) Michael must pay … Read more


Andreina was a pretty lady, brown eyes, brunette hair a tanned skin, c cup breast and standing at 5foot6’. She had that type of body any girl ever dreamt of having and the type of girl any guy would want to have as a girlfriend. She was 24yrs and working as a receptionist in a … Read more

A Peasant Girl – Chapter 8

Anna was never again late with her chores. Fear drove her, but also desire; she knew if she was quick, she and Noor could spend more time in each other’s company, and if she was good then her father and brother would let her have free time. She obediently suffered their advances, and when they … Read more