The inflection in her voice when she said huge and the look in her eyes was intriguing for me.” I told my man Roger over dinner, before he asked the obvious question. “Her new man is much bigger than you, she told me as we recalled the afternoon the three of had together when we … Read more


June Walker fidgeted nervously in her seat while waiting for Dr. Sherman. “How did she get herself into these things?!?” she asked under her breath while staring at the sweeping second hand of the clock on the wall. She was lost in thought when she was ripped back to reality when the door to the … Read more

Car Window Career

My roommate Julia didn’t have any problem exchanging sex for whatever she wanted, money, service, shopping credit. She just didn’t see a problem. “Look!” she said. “When I was growing up in the Socialist Republic, the commissar would fuck my mother before he’d give us our food ration card. My little brother was born when … Read more

The Film

“Oh my god!” were the only lips Jessica could muster, as she saw her new neighbor step out of her car. Jessica heard that she was getting a new neighbor soon, but she never thought she would be this hot. Jessica is 22 years old, and very very hot. She had nice long brown hair … Read more

The World’s First Futa 06 – Futa’s Beauty Pageant 3: Futa’s First Naughty Award

April 17th, 2047 “So I think everyone in the audience and watching live around the world is interested in who won, Becky,” Adelia, the talk show host interviewing me, asked. “Which one of the three finalists impressed you the most?” “Well, it wasn’t an easy decision,” I said. “All three of them blew me away … Read more


Dear Diary – Ok, second year at college. Breaks over and it’s the first day of classes. I have a heavy load of classes I’ve signed up for. I also signed up -again – for the cheerleading squad, and – again – I’m going to be kissing the team captain’s cunt, literally. Not that I … Read more

Losing My Love Part 1_(1)

It was the very first day of school and I was scared to death to say the least. After we moved away from my home town since I was young, I was going to have to start all over again with making new friends, but I had no say in the matter as my dad … Read more

The Futa’s Mind-Controlling Panties Chapter 4: Schoolgirl’s Futa Eruption

I couldn’t believe what was happening at the new neighbor’s house. Mildred, the mousy woman who’d moved in yesterday, had somehow dominated the Quick family. With my new stealth drone, I had watched an incestuous orgy in the family’s living room with Mildred at the center. What I took to be a life-like dildo that … Read more

4 Curious college Girls: Ch5 Attack of the Lesbians (soft)

Taylor and Julie awoke during the night, laying together naked on the couch. They looked over and saw Alex asleep, a finger barely still inside her pussy. The girls quietly laughed, and Taylor led Julie toward her room. Taylor pulled the covers back on her bed, where her and Alex had done it earlier. Taylor … Read more

Master! Master! Part 7

Part 7: “Come on, girls! Up! Up! Up!” It was early in the morning, hours before dawn. In the pitch-black bedroom, the sound of snowflakes hitting the window sounded like radio static. The girls all grumbled in annoyance, even the usual, perky Sonja. It didn’t help that the bedroom was chilly. I turned on the … Read more


We were sun tanning in the dress optional area of our condo complex, both of us naked, getting a kinky turn on, flaunting our well kept naked bodies for anyone who cared to watch, both of us drawing admiring glances from both sexes. My man has a far bigger cock than most men, something he … Read more


I am sitting on a chair in front of a wall length mirror and I am enjoying being the centre of sexual attention for a male and a female. I am relishing being completely naked apart from a pair of stiletto heels and some expensive perfume with my legs wide open while my man is … Read more


Debbie Warren sat quietly in her large easy chair when she was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. She quickly bent back the corner of the page, closed the book, and crossed the room to the desk where the phone was located. “Hello, this is Debbie, how may I help you?” A soothing feminine … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7, Chapter 4: The Shaman’s Threesome

“You don’t need her,” Thyrna purred into my ear, her naked body drapped against mine. Round breasts and hard nipples, the right pierced by a magic nullifying ring which perplexed Faoril. Hot cunt ground on my muscular thigh. We lay on her bed in her dim cabin aboard the Golden Hunger. “She’s so weak.” The … Read more

Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 19: Mind-Control Delights

Did I ruin my friendship with Ji-Yun? I had hidden the fact I was gay from her, and I had a big crush on her, for months. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I’d known her for as long as I could remember. I felt like we been friends all eighteen years of my … Read more


“A gentleman never tells,” I smiled smugly, fascinated where this conversation might lead. “Some of my girlfriends speak very highly of your man Sarah. He is rumoured to have a thick, nine-inch erection when fully aroused. And you Sarah, are rumoured to be very exciting woman and extremely talented. Debbi had our full attention as … Read more