
This happened in the summer of 1972. I’m writing now because I recently saw a girl on TV whose unusual name and resemblance brought the memories flooding back… She moves with graceful feline elegance. With dusky brown skin, long glossy black hair, come to bed eyes, beautiful lips just made for sucking dick, slim waste … Read more

Helenes daughters part two

Chapter Two Helene woke and stretched, she had hardly slept the night before. Excited by the previous nights sexual fun With her friend Faye and her daughter. She had also been thinking about her own two daughters who she had found having their own intimate fun the day before. After meeting up with Faye and … Read more

Butterfly, Ch. 02

Evening had taken hold over Diane’s bedroom, blacker than ink. There was no light to be seen, only the faint glow of a security camera’s LED piercing through. And even that was weak, barely putting up a fight as night concealed everything. The evening shadows hid Diane’s body as her pussy lips parted of their … Read more

Butterfly, Ch. 01

It sounded simple enough on the surface: Spend some time over the winter break at the university, make one thousand dollars, and earn six college credits. That was what the advertisement in the school paper said, at least. After Diane went to the office and inquired about the position, it was a much more than … Read more