Clementina, Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis

This is Chapter 3, which comprises parts XIII – XVII. Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned. Also, as a warning, from here on out, the genders get mixed-up. There are no parts that can be skipped in this chapter. Clementina, Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis PART XIII The phone … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess & Afterward

Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess PART XXX The room glowed purple as the tentacles lowered me to the ground. Another pillar of light appeared at the far end of the room opposite the door. Makala took my mother’s hand and led her to the pillar of light, placing her next to it, almost inside it. … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 5 – Citadel & Interlude

This is Chapter 5, which comprises parts XXII – XXV, plus an interlude. Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned. Also, another reminder, the line between female and male gets rather porous in this tale. If you are in a hurry or just want to focus on the main … Read more

Protective Husband Four Loves part two

Protective Husband Four Loves part two This is the continuation of the Winfield saga. First you had Sara’s Protective Dad parts one through ten. After Robert’s marriage to Sara, I changed the title to Protective Husband four Loves. If you had not read the first ten chapters, here’s a short synopsis. Robert at age eighteen … Read more

Master! Master! Part 8

Part 8: For several days, the whiteout continued. I was learning to live without TV and Internet, though the itch never went away. It was certainly nice to have a vacation and rest with my girls, but that wasn’t to say we weren’t busy. My driveway was bound to get plowed sooner or later, and … Read more

The creature – Worm’s Mommy (2)

At least three days have passed since the worm had taken over Ashley’s body and holes. She could not tell precisely how much time had passed due to the low levels of light in the cave. Her estimate was based on how often she slept. Although she was most likely mistaken with her estimate since … Read more


My wife was sobbing in my arms. It was like holding on to a shaking bag of bones, she was so skinny back then. We were outside the temporary offices the Centers for Disease Control had set up around the country. It was a lovely, cool, early spring day. “So it’s positive,” I said. She … Read more

The Champion’s Companion 18

Marcos went down the hall and found the Queen with Kaarthen and her girls drinking tea. Marcos walked over to Mara noting the smell of brandy in the room and the women’s red eyes and blustery cheeks. “Here eat this.” He said offering the hair to his little fuckpet. “You building a one woman harem … Read more

Revenge Is Sweet

I opened my eyes groggily as I slowly came to in an unfamiliar room and shook my head in a vain attempt to clear the haze from my brain. Had I been drugged? What was going on? The last thing I remembered was coming home from work, closing the door to my apartment and then: … Read more

Milkman Redux

My milkmaid search takes place in any environment a young or any mom may attend. I surveil schools, playgrounds, parks, and grocery stores looking for strollers or cars with baby seats. Once a mom of interest is chosen I will stealthily follow her and watch until I see an opportunity to move on her. This … Read more