Ms Reynolds new breasts 2

Please read part one before commencing part 2 or you will surely be very confused. Ms Reynolds new breasts part 2 I sat there, feeling rather stupid, I sensed people were avoiding me. My nipples throbbed, all six of them, and as I sat I realised that my legs and particularly my ankles ached from … Read more

Aunt MJ’s Farm – Day 2 – Dawn’s Discoveries

Morning arrived with the crow of a rooster, its call like a herald for duties awaiting. Emerging from beneath quilted covers, Taylor dressed slowly, the ache from yesterday’s spanking flaring as he moved. He made his way downstairs, following the enticing aroma of breakfast being cooked. As Taylor descended into the kitchen, he spotted Aunt … Read more

The Devil’s Pact, The Tyrants’ Daughter Chapter 13: Portland

Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn’t sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn’t as … Read more

Caring for my daughter – Part 9 – Vaginal Stenosis

Things escalated so much last time! The exercises Ava suggested – they were so wrong! And how she offered to wipe me down there – why did I even agree to that? It’s unbelievable that I ended up cumming while she wiped me. She’s my daughter! We have crossed so many boundaries! I feel that … Read more

HuCow Induction

HuCow Induction Mel looked lovingly at Jane across the bed room. Jane was so beautiful. Mel still had to pinch herself to prove she was not dreaming, and that Jane had chosen her to be her partner. Mel was no beauty, her tits were huge she knew but so was her tummy, several people had … Read more

The Club, Ch. 5 – Back at Work

The Club Chapter 5 – Back at Work Monday morning came around and I wasn’t really sure what to do. How could I go to work with a chastity belt on? What if I needed to pee? I hadn’t even thought at that point about what would happen when my breasts started to produce milk. … Read more

My Neighbors Ch.4

The next day my mind and body were in a fog. I had let three different cocks fuck me last night. I hadn’t got much sleep and I was sore all over especially the entrance to my pussy. The Rottweiler’s knot had been huge and it would be awhile before I could let something that … Read more

Fields of Daisies and Clover – A Hucow Story, Parts XII – XVI, Epilogue

My real priority for this last section was to try out a couple of final ideas and – most importantly – to bring this to a happy and somewhat wholesome ending. There might not be quite as much smoking hot sex as the other two parts, but I hope the ending makes up for that. … Read more

Shannon swallows gallons of it

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. The seven men were still there, Mack standing right in the middle of them. Three of them had put their underwear back on, the others were still naked, their freakishly deformed bodies pale and exposed. When they saw that I was awake, they started back at … Read more

Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Things progressed as normal as possible, but both Michael and Laura had a different bounce in their step. There were some clandestine texts sent back and forth, a few pictures, and a few opportunities to be together long enough to get in some talk, some necking and a couple of blowjobs. Michael was … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book1, Chapter 6: Monstrous Mating

I patted Purity’s neck as the dark trees loomed over us. The elvish forest was untouched by lumberjacks, the trees growing tall and proud. The Blath Forest had seen generations of humans touch, cutting down trees, trapping, hunting, and herb gathering. Roads had been blazed through it. Here, Angela and I led our horses across … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 6 – Sigil

Clementina, Chapter 6 – Sigil PART XXV Having recovered from our recent adventures, a few days later we were again hanging out by the pool in the evening, when my grandmother Lily raised the question that was on everyone’s mind. “I was told I was the Keeper of the Citadel, and I haven’t even been … Read more

Anndie From the beginning

The Adventures of Anndie Anndie Smyth came home from work as she usually does, horny. For being a middle-aged mother of 3 adults who teaches elementary school, you would think she was past her sexual peak. But, after a first marriage that was less than ideal, she has come into her own sexually. Her second … Read more