The Love of Money I Chapter 15: Pool Party

My head was still turned to watch Danielle as she delivered kisses along my shoulder, so I wasn’t tracking what Erin was doing. A chill rolled through my body as I felt another pair of lips press themselves to my neck. Erin started leaving a trail of moist kisses along the other side of my … Read more


This is my first and is meant to be erotic, rather than straight f-ing etc. Will continue if tpeople like it. It’s quite long…. He wasn’t sure when he’d first noticed her as anything other than a co-worker. Perhaps it was after they had been working together for 18 months or so. She was in … Read more

Taking It: Jade and Maria

Taking It: Jade and Maria All night my hands had been clumsy. I had spilled two drinks as I tried to hand them to a man across the bar. I dropped a twelve-pack of Budweiser as I was attempting to restock the beer coolers. I had long ago run out of allotted and understandable spills … Read more

The Pen: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 …………………….A Host is Needed………………….. Rachel had just removed her scrubs top and put it in her bag and was removing her bottoms when she felt a warm hand press against her ass cheek and squueze. She froze “who are you? Am i in danger?” She tried to ask as calmly as possible. Wyatt … Read more

rape in afghan3

The march was like a nightmare for Cathy. Stunned by the blast, she initially did not know where she was or who these men around her were. She allowed herself to be half carried, half dragged up the ridge and then down a valley to another steep ridgeline. Her senses returned only slowly. At first … Read more

I Accidentally Called My Boss Mom Pt. 1

I Accidentally Called My Boss Mom Pt. 1 Being an office temp is better than a flipping burgers, I suppose. I’m 20 years old, and I skipped out on college so my options are limited. I started this new job four weeks ago. I had to get a suit from Goodwill, fill out a proper … Read more

Dhanwarlal gets my ex – Chapter Two

After Amishi confessed her tragic encounter with Dhanwarlal, I was left with a confused feeling for days. A part of me felt horrified with the events, while a part of me felt relieved that at least I knew the truth. I wanted to confront Dhanwarlal right away but first I had to know more, I … Read more

I Accidentally Called My Boss Mom Pt. 2

I woke up Friday morning, showered, located the cards Amanda gave me, and was on my way. My first stop was the hairdresser. I pulled up to the shop in my beat up daily driver and immediately felt out of place. This was a place for rich people, not me. The sign was gold, the … Read more

Open Late, Part 2

In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking … Read more

The Pen: Chapters 9 and 10

Chapter 9 ………………………..The Braclet……………………….. The next day was friday and Emily and Robyn were preparing for a girls weekend trip to tour more colleges for Robyn. Wyatt was super excited as he arrived at work to start the day and even more excited to take a little trip at lunch to the local gem store … Read more

Confessions of an underaged massage therapist

Confessions of an underaged massage therapist Chapter one – My beginning I don’t want to go into a lot of detail about my age, since it might cause problems if the wrong person reads this and connects this writing back to me. I have enough problems without that. Suffice to say, I am just passed … Read more