Late Night Gym with Laura part 4

The next day I got off work much later than usual and showed up to the gym almost an hour later than I normally did. As I walked in I was looking for Laura, I was relieved to find her on a treadmill. She had her split into two long beautiful braids, wore a lose … Read more

The Life of Megan 3

Megan walks off the elevator and into her work place. As she walks through to her office, many of her male co-workers come up with any excuse to have to bend down or over so they can get a look up her, barely long enough to pass for work, skirt to see her pantyless pussy … Read more

My bitchy boss

My name is terrence I am 28 and I’m an investment banker. Let me start by describing myself I’m 6ft1 a bit muscular from hitting the gym regularly I have dirty blonde hair, my life would ve been perfect I was earning 6 figures was single drove a nice benz and I was in great … Read more

The Love of Money I – Chapter 03: Inheritance

Surely I hadn’t heard him correctly. “I’m sorry. It sounded like you said I inherited nine-hundred thirty billion dollars.” “That’s correct,” Karl said as he pushed a binder across his desk. “This is a summary of his entire estate. In there, you’ll find a collection of assets categorized by genre and in alphabetical order.” I … Read more

The Darkmoon Faire (part 4)

The Darkmoon Faire part 4, ‘The End’! I must say I had a really fun time writing this.  Except for, well, reading part 2 and cringing at how bad it was.  I’m learning, okay?  This one took me the longest time by far.. I actually didn’t think it was going to go anywhere after part … Read more

School Afair

It was a warm day in mid-April, which i spent in school on detention, due to skipping computer science class multiple times for the past couple of weeks. Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM … Read more

Kate’s Christmas Job

Mark says… A few Decembers back, facing the prospect of spending Christmas alone for the first time in ages, I found myself at an unaccustomed low ebb. Having split with longterm girlfriend Donna in the summer, I needed to find alternative accommodation fast. Yet a supposed month-or-so long stopgap at work colleague Gary’s house had … Read more


“Are you with me so far? Now listen closely. Shay has two men in toe, Kai and Ajax, just boys really, both in their early twenties, half her age, her Personal Assistants she told me, who she wants to include them in the arrangements. They are both pretty boys with good bodies, I just sent … Read more

Sorority Sponsors

I’ve been a college professor for nearly my entire adult life. I have taught a wide spectrum of courses in the fields of literature, writing, and English. But this series of stories isn’t about that. This series of stories is about another of my university responsibilities. For twenty years of my career I served as … Read more

A Tribe for Tethys, Part 2 Chapter 8

Part 2: Growing The Tribe Chapter 8: Pizza Has Consequences Taylor is happy to see me. Very happy. He even said so. He said “Tethys, I’m happy to see you!” I already knew it wasn’t a banana in his pocket. He’s not wearing a pocket. I’ve trained him well. When we’re together at home, whether … Read more

emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. … Read more

The Love of Money I – Chapter 26: Balancing Act

Wednesday, 6:45 am “Mmm… leaving already?” I turned as I finished buttoning my shirt, looking at the lovely blonde propped up on one elbow, watching me through sleepy eyes. Even waking up, Helen was a vision. The sheet draped partially off her back, exposing a shoulder and generous amounts of teardrop-shaped side boob – a … Read more

Breeding Mandates | Chapter 3: A Very Full Pussy

Mr. Carmichael takes a few more steps back, admiring my dripping pussy from a distance, his softening cock still slick with our combined juices. He looks at his colleagues before looking back to me, “Well I don’t really think it’d be fair to make them watch that and not let them get off too, right … Read more

Rodri-goOoooo deeper!!

“Late again Brianna?!”. “Im sooooo sorry, I had to pick my lil brother up from school and take him to daycare for 3:30pm….and my math teacher Mrs.Wright wouldn’t let me…” “Shh!. I dont want to hear anymore. Your already 10 minutes late, just head on back, get changed into work attire and get to work!”. … Read more

Who’s your Mommy now?!

Who’s your Mommy now?1 The executive officer of Plus Creations, an upscale fashion corporation for full figured women, was Brenda Carson. Brenda runs the company with an authoritarian grip of dicipline. She is a tall dark haired lady(a heavier version of Kloe Kardashian), about 6’1″ and is herself a beautiful full figured woman. Brenda is … Read more