The Chauffeur (#37) Time For A Party

CHAPTER 1 As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear prepping for our FBI party on Saturday. She had both Bobby and Sammy sitting down multiple times with her going over the food list, making changes each time she sat with them. At some point, I just told them privately … Read more

Sexual distractions of the obscenely rich by

Yellow sunlight seeped through the thin curtains as Miriam Hargreaves sat at the antique vanity table in the corner of the grand bedroom, delicately applying her make-up. Wrapped in a fluffy bath robe and with her long, chestnut hair still wet from the shower, she applied the make-up deliberately and precisely. She was tall and … Read more

Babe, Gimme A Second Chance!

“Aubrie, did you sleep at all last night?” Aubrie was a pretty girl even at her worst, which was definitely how she ranked on this early morning shift. She had no makeup except for dried mascara tears, her normally silky-smooth blonde hair erupted like a mane out of her visor cap, her bright blue eyes … Read more

Alone at Work Ch. 3

The next morning I got off shift and went straight home collapsing into my bed and falling asleep for hours. It was an uncomfortable restless sleep, as my dreams were filled with Richard’s cock, the sound of his hand slapping against my ass, and the image of Steve’s sleeping face. I woke up later that … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 29)

Chapter 29 THE LOBBY DIVISION AND ANOTHER PARTY Michael welcomed Claire back to work by fucking her cunt. After she removed her panties, he bent her over his desk and stuck his cock into her twat. Claire had been expecting this for a while now and it came as no real surprise. She cried a … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 4)

Chapter 4 AFTER WORK Claire kept working, though, to get through the day. She described dozens of cunts, twats, and udders. She was embarrassed to occasionally feel her cunt getting wet looking at all the naked women. Every time it happened she took a break by getting up and getting another cup of cordial. She … Read more

Dog Sitter Comes to Visit

As Esmerelda punched her code into the glowing screen mounted to the thick wooden door at the top of the marble flight of stairs she wondered how much it must have cost. The door, the security system, the stane work, all individually seemed more expensive than her entire family home. Just as she walked through … Read more

Predatrix One: An Education

After rushing through some toast and cereal, Michael casually threw the bottle of Predatrix in his bag and ran out the door. Today, of all days, he couldn’t afford to be late at school. It was the first day of the Parent Teacher Conferences. Throughout the cab ride to school, and all the while he … Read more

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

Proudly presenting my third work! It’s the sequel to my first story ‘What comes around, goes around…’ Yes, indeed: Alex hasn’t seen the last of Ryan just yet. This story contains violence, rape and certain other themes (which I can’t disclose to protect the surprise elements in the story) which might be offensive to people. … Read more

The Hotel: Room Service

Room Service I was naked on my back, rubbing my little clit, when the phone rang on the nightstand beside the bed. I reached out with one of my pussy juice soaked hands and snatched the cordless phone off of the receiver. “Hello?” I said breathlessly, answering. “Miss Donovan? This is Claire from Guest Services,” … Read more