Love v. Lust Chapter 4

My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. I had a lot to do today. Jan had to work, so the house would be free for some “security” equipment to be installed. I got to work and Marlene said she had seven more men lined up for … Read more

The Winston Family Adventures pt. 05

The Emergency Room is in its usual chaotic flurry of emergencies when the EMTs wheel an unconscious young man in on a gurney. He is wearing only a bathing suit. The only information available concerning this young man is that he was at the local YMCA when he slipped and fell from the ladder leading … Read more


I met Stephanie at a club a couple years ago. We were both drooling over the same hot guy we knew we didn’t really have a chance at. After Mr. Hot Guy left we started talking, gossiping really, about the girl he left with. She got pretty drunk. I don’t know why, but for some … Read more

A Geek in Mind

The area of the city that I worked in was a fairly typical corporate hub. The building itself was another glass fronted office block in a forest of glass fronted office blocks. Anonymity through conformity. Inside it, on the many floors, I.T. staff serviced contracts for banks and insurance companies, petrochemical conglomerates and trading houses. … Read more

Jessica’s Scarf and the Old School Copier_(1)

Jessica’s Scarf and the Old School Copier Revised version: Much improved and 10% longer — fixed spelling, verb tenses, improved wording, sex scenes extended, more dialog,… Cast of characters: Jessica Roberts — 23 years old —- Newest science teacher. Stunningly beautiful, smart, lonely. Annoyed at being ignored. Mr. Skinner — 34 years old —- High … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 9

Chapter Nine: Undeniable Tensions By the time Angel was picking up her bag to leave the club, it was three in the morning. She followed Rich out the back door of the club and towards his truck until he stopped. “No,” he corrected, turning to look at Angel. He pointed over her right shoulder, “you’re … Read more

The Challenge 6: Making Amends

Author’s note: Like the other Challenge stories, it is a stand-alone story and takes place in the same year as the other ones. The bulk of this story starts in February. There aren’t any cameos from previous chapters in this one, aside from Bob and the Bahamas. The Challenge 6: Making Amends Chapter 1 “Bob? … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 3: Customer Service

The Devil’s Pact Chapter Three: Customer Service Regretfully, I walked out of the Heavenly Creatures Salon. I really wanted to stay and watch Mary get her cunt eaten out by that Joy, the fine-ass Asian stylist, but the place reeked of so much nail polish remover it was making me sick to my stomach. Oh … Read more

IHNC 5.5 – Christine’s First Time

IHNC 5.5 – Christine’s First Time (These events are from the viewpoint of Christine Johnson, High School biology teacher who found out about the affair between Ed and Becky.) Sex, sex, sex. That’s all anyone ever talked about anymore. Every note being passed in class was about who loves whom. Every discussion in the teacher’s … Read more


Jolene was a pussy-hunter, and proud of it. She specialised in pretty young white blondes, spreading their creamy thighs and breaking them in to a life of lesbian submission. As she was a charismatic, tall, statuesque, mature black woman with big breasts and a ripe rounded ass, she usually got what she wanted, overwhelming the … Read more

Kiara Joins the Military – Chapter 1

Kiara was shy. She had never been popular at school and had chosen a new career in the military as a way of building confidence and starting again in life. Away from her home town, she wanted only to keep her head down and make her way in life and had made a promising start. … Read more

The Secret to Sucess

Ellen sat at her desk working on the Company’s Profit and Loss report. Ellen started as a temp 6 years ago and worked up the ladder to the position she is in now, administrative assistant to the COO. She had worked very hard in and out of the office to get to where she was … Read more

Elle’s Revenge 4

This is a side, side project and the outline is pretty loosely formed so not sure when i’ll put out the next one, but until then, enjoy. Elle picked up the Hollis’ twins from day care as arranged shocked at how little their mother cared for them seemingly content to leave her precious children in … Read more

Meeting Curtis

It’s a Tuesday night, and I’m walking home from a Narcotics Anonymous meeting in the dark. It’s about six blocks from my apartment, but it seems like longer. The meeting tonight was the same as usual; junkies from town, most of them on parole, telling their somewhat fabricated stories. There was a new face, someone … Read more

Horny Hermione – Caught

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the “Harry Potter” characters. These stories are strictly for ‘entertainment’ purposes. Don’t sue me, I have no money. WARNING: These stories are just fantasies but we’ll be dealing with mind-control, non-consent, public sex, and whatever else I want to right. Heed any warnings I put up. I’ll try … Read more