A Damaged Teen Slut (Ch.3)

DISCLAIMER: If you are offended by any of the tags, please do not read further. There are two previous chapters to this story, which you can find on my profile page by clicking my name at the top. There will be more chapters. I greatly appreciate those of you who have enjoyed this story thus … Read more

Office Junior

This is the continuing story of my busty blonde cyber wife and Muse Robyn. This time Robyn is in work and has a new trainee who likes what he sees and hears! Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with … Read more


This story is fiction (unfortunately!): any resemblance to real persons or places is purely coincidental. A couple of months after my seventeenth birthday, I discovered three things. The first was that I am a lesbian; the second was that I have an eager appetite for sex – I’ll spread my legs for almost any woman, … Read more

Stripping Anonymously For My Mother

It was due to my college tuition that it all happened. After my parents had divorced two years ago my father had moved across the country and cut off all contact with me. My Mom had had to take two jobs for awhile just to get out of the pile of bills she was under … Read more

You Will Welcome Death

Some may remember sitting in a darkened room, watching Rod Serling’s “Night Gallery.” Each episode began with an unusual painting, about which Mr. Serling would deliver a brief monolog, something along these lines: “Consider, if you will, what may be the most well-known and oft-copied works of a man named Henry Fuseli, scholar, man of … Read more

Vampire Omicron: Chapter 3 – Campus Raid

Start at Chapter 1! Links to all my stories and more chapters to this story in comments. DISCLAIMERS I’m just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn’t sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to … Read more

A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 6)

A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 6) Chapter 1 John woke up, stirred a little, and, as the world came into focus, tried to remember where he was. Different bedroom, different bed, and………..he remembered. * * * * The night before, he had pulled up to the Hendricks’ house. He had spent the better part of the … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 8

Chapter Eight: Lessons Learned The Hard Way Angel, Rich, and Emily sat silently in the truck, outside of the motel. Emily was looking out the back passenger window at the fairly vacant motel. No doubt she was confused as to why they were here, and naïve as to what was about to happen. Rich stared … Read more

Tasting Wine part II

The weekend seemed to fly past, I didn’t even get to do half of the things I wanted to do before Monday came around again. I came into the lab early as usual, Martha wasn’t there yet, so I set to getting the sample equipment ready, I refilled the chemical bottles and booted up the … Read more

House Slut 9 – Tegan’s Day Out

To her surprise and, to some extent confusion, her discussion with Angus this morning had cleared her head a lot. She understood that while she had offered herself to be used and objectified, she was still a willing participant. Inasmuch as being intimidated or even a little scared was an appealing part of the game, … Read more

A Platonic Relationship

This is a GEEK / NERD story. The beginning is very technical and is not at all sexy. The last portion gets sexy. Depending on how this is received, I will most likely be writing additional stories of PLATO, Helen, and others. They won’t need the long introduction. If you want to skip the GEEK … Read more

Melissa Teaches class and gets Taught

This day was not going to be fun. How did Melissa get chosen to be the one to teach this class? A co-worker had gotten sick at the last minute and she had to fill in. There were other people who knew the company better than her. She was just going to have to grin … Read more

Open Late

In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking … Read more