Sailing Weekend

I worked from home and only visited the office once or twice a week. It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager’s secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single … Read more

Dilemma 6

Over the next week, home life was the usual ,quiet existence – eat – sleep- brief chat – Krystal being on her platonic level – friendly, chatty but not interested in sex. So it was T.V. or reading or video games or chores. Work was extremely busy, so the opportunities to flirt with or encounter … Read more

WKRP: Serving Loni’s Ass

celebrity, ass worship, ass kissing, facesitting, ass licking, buttsniffing, face-farting, analingus, scatology. ____________________________________________________________________ WKRP in Cincinnati was popular on television because of its comedy and also because of Loni Anderson, its voluptuous blond star. What many people don’t know is that the series was created from an actual radio station, a station where I served … Read more

Chronicles of Succubus High, Ch. 1

1:25. 4th period. Tom sat behind his desk in the corner as he waited for his next group of students to start filing in for their first class after lunch. They were never very focused this time of day, and on more than one occasion he’d caught a student nodding off during class. At least … Read more

The Maid and her Master

Manon was dusting the buffet in the sitting room. Her feet were aching in her high heels and then she decided to take them off. She could clean the house in her pantyhose just fine. She had been a maid for the Sullivan’s now for three months and frankly it was demeaning. The maid uniform … Read more

Sheryl 3

Sheryl traveled for work a lot so the amount of time we spent together we wanted it to be memorable and always have good memories, sexual memories so that we could look back at them while we were away. Although we always joked about having a threesome, we never did, we never really found that … Read more

Office Slave: Chapter 1 – Punishment After Work

Toby stood at the photocopier. Watching it churn out reams of paper bored out of his mind. He didn’t know how the secretaries coped. He’d go absolutely mad if he had to do this all day. He wished his assistant Jenny was here. He would have much rather be sat at his desk watching her … Read more

Wicked Ties Chapter 2_(2)

[b]“Vega opted to scream into the microphone with the intensity of an alley cat on LSD- “ “Vega dresses like an overly emotional teenager- “ “His greatest achievement is getting blonde bimbos to fall for his tortured act- “ “A living breathing STD- “[/b] Steven stopped reading the quotes and looked up at her, “Laura, … Read more

The Dead Zone chapter 05

Cait and Rhys looked from the comms panel, to each other. “That’s a live signal. Source unknown.” Cait confirmed as she scanned the signal. There was no IFF metadata which meant either they didn’t have one or were choosing not to broadcast it. “That means they’re within range to establish a realtime connection with us.” … Read more

The New Teacher II

“C’mon, Jacob. Just calm down and just say it.” Standing in my bathroom, just about to finish my daily morning clean-up routine, I leaned on my sink and gave my reflection in the mirror a stern look. Ever since yesterday, the only thought that had consistently been on my mind was Cicily, her gang of … Read more


When Johnson arrived on the scene, most of the perpetrators were already cloaked in blankets and sitting in the vans. He nodded to the uniform, ducked under the police tape and opened the large glass door. Stepping inside the mall he spotted several detectives milling around the north end of the ice rink. The shops … Read more

The Solarian Soldier – 1

1 “You can take your orders and shove them up your shit-filled cunt, Earther bitch. Even if you shoot us down, I have 30 killers aboard my ship just waiting for your goons to set foot on our deck. So one last time fuck off and crawl back to the miserable shithole planet you belong” … Read more

The Lady of Death, part 1

A Fatal Association and Honeymoon Tragedy by TLeg Man, Dead Love is Still Love by Sombre Angel, The Privileges of Power and Bad Day at the Office by Megan Kelly and A Star Gazer’s Surprise by Tina Moon Sasha Hu and Vivienne Wei, sit in their cells on death row in Folsom’s main prison (Sasha’s … Read more