BACKGROUND: This is the continuing story of Grace McBride, a former attorney with a hard-driving, dominant, and extroverted personality; or, at least, that was what she showed the professional world, the image she cultivated from childhood because it was demanded that she succeed. That was the mask she wore to hide the reality of a … Read more

Slippery Susie – My MILF – Part Three

Slippery Susie – Part 3 – Back at Work (Susie, Kerry & Jake) MFM Only 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in the front door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susie was not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop … Read more


When the call first came in, Lieutenant Johnson was so caught up in his daydream he missed it completely. It was from “Here to Eternity” except Christine Miller and him rolled in the surf, completely naked. He could picture it now, her on all fours as he entered her from behind. Her flesh quivered with … Read more

IHNC 6.5 Lisa’s Dilemma

OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. “WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE!” “Studying for my SATs,” I tried to calmly respond, but she didn’t care … Read more

Teen Titan Chronicles 2

Introduction: What those kids really get up to I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the … Read more


Thick carpets, an antique desk, a bookshelf and a few other pieces of new furniture, and some paintings had transformed the once drafty billiard room into a what his wife called a ‘gin palace.’ An obvious reference to up market appearance of the room which could have been put to any number of uses besides … Read more

the lecturar

this incident happened when I was doing my masters from UK with one of my professors which is going still now and in fact I was able to seduce her younger sister and now I enjoy them both let’s not waste time and start with the incident which happened 4 months before, Goldie had always … Read more

Work Time Fun

I work in the restaurant business as a server at a nationwide restaurant chain. I have many good stories from my experiences, but only one of them is of the sexual nature. Her name was Krissy, and she was a host at our particular restaurant. We had met at work a year or so before, … Read more

A New Master

I arrived at Southby Hall quite unannounced. The Butler regaled me suspiciously. “May I help you sir?” he asked. “Possibly, where is your master?” I asked. “He is away sir,” he replied. “Excellent, tell me do you have any silver or paintings?” I asked. “No sir the master has sold the family silver and paintings,” … Read more

Becoming Jana, Part One: Rochelle’s Revenge

I always knew my coworker Rochelle didn’t like me very much, I just never knew how much. I suppose I should have known since I was partly why she lost her job, but I never expected this. I was out one night with Danielle and Kelsie from work, who also happen to be friends with … Read more