The Pleasure of Friendship

Note from the author: I am not a new writer; however, I am a new writer on this website. This is the first story I am posting and I am hoping to post more sequels to this story. If you have any suggestions on writing tips so that my future stories can be even better … Read more

The Au Pair – Part 3

Before I knew it, another 6 months had passed. I had spent those months screwing both of my employers. Sometimes, I’d have sex with them both on the same day. Sometimes I’d let John watch me screw his wife. Ann never knew that of course. As far as she was concerned, our sex sessions were … Read more

Amber’s office life with her Master – Tuesday (Chapter 2)

Tuesday! God, Master left me so raw and exhausted on Monday, I slept so well I didn’t wake up on time… and now I’m running so late to work. Today, a message came with my dress code of the day. A schoolgirls uniform. I already had all the clothes, my cupboard filled with all the … Read more

The Story of My Itch

You don’t know me – yet, this is my first story posted. Over time you’ll find out that while I am a female, I can be just as sexually deviant at the most experienced male, but for now, I want to start you off slow and easy. Everyone has that one person that enters their … Read more

A different approach to HR (Yorkshire Dialect) Humour

Human Recourses “Ee lass come in and sit down tell thee Uncle Eric all about it,” Eric Ollerenshaw mithered to some stuck up bitch from t’office on third floor. Eric were CEO and in charge of Human Recourses at Ollerenshaw’s Mill. Elanore shuffled awkwardly into the room and sat opposite Eric. “It’s Dan, the lad … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 6

Chapter Six: The Prey Angel spent another three nights at the motel. She received no break from clients. Rich came to pick her up after nearly a week of work. He took her back to his house. He let her relax in front of the TV for the day. Two other girls came and kept … Read more

A Class Act

AClass Act A lesson in the art of sexual intercourse for a class of young girls at an exclusive finishing school. “Girls, at this point in the curriculum we usually show a video which explains a lot more clearly than I can what actually happens during sexual intercourse.” Miss James looked round her class as … Read more

The Doctors Orders

The Doctor’s Orders: An Erotic Tale of Control and Pleasure Chapter 1 Emma was a tempestuous soul, known for her fiery personality and impulsive nature. She thrived on the thrill of life, chasing excitement and courting conflict in her relationships, a paradox she both bemoaned and reveled in. Her life had been a whirlwind of … Read more

A chance at a new sex life; Part 11

My eyes are still wide. ‘Does mom really know?’ I say to myself. I get up and run through to Stacey’s room who is just out of the shower. “Robbie what the hell??” She shouts at me and tries to cover herself up. “Oh please, I’ve seen it all. We have more important things to … Read more

Fleur Noire Chapt. 1

So, this is a different story i decided to work on. I wanted to progress with my “New places, New faces” saga but there are so many thoughts, ideas and possibilities that i can’t manage to find a specific way forward with the story. So i decided to go on a different route and write … Read more

What a weekend!_(0)

I had a hectic Saturday night with all my shows out and I was short an assistant DJ for my show. I had a wedding to do in Rockford and it was going to be a big group and an assistant was really important. Fortunately, my wife had the night free so we drove down … Read more

A Source of Warmth by

His name was Thomas Saniuqa. They’d just wheeled him in on a bed at 4.50pm. Damn it, that means I’m working overtime on my own AGAIN. I grumbled as I looked at his profile on the clipboard. Hmm, thirty-five years old and still unmarried? He was evidently very successful, too – CEO of a fairly … Read more

Wu Mei’s Misadventures – Christmas Elf

Wu Mei, 42, wearily knocked on yet another door, Room#1427. She was working a part-time job to pay for her trip back to Shanghai to visit her husband. She hadn’t seen him in 3 years because the authorities had refused him entry to America just because he had done something stupid a few years ago. … Read more

Relief Nurse

“Aah, it’s a good few years since I had a girl where you are now” Ben chuckled as he looked down at Nurse Mary who was drying his feet after his bath. He sat on the stool as she knelt in front of him and she looked up with a twinkle in her eye and … Read more