New York City Submissive Female – Chapter 5

The web guy from San Jose was giving his final presentation today. Nobody in New York welcomed this. Too used were they to pretentious young nerds from Silicon Valley bragging about how this or that incomprehensible tech jargon would change the world. Seeing an overweight short brown man trudge up to the stand was not … Read more

For Tribal Honor

I had killed the lioness. Though I usually do my shooting with a movie camera, I’m also pretty good with a rifle. Africa is a long way from the ranch in Wyoming that I grew up on but I’ve found that a lot of my childhood skills come in handy now that I’m making wildlife … Read more

Hurricane Party

I started writing this the night after a hurricane came through my area, isolating the small town where I live by flooding all the access roads. Learning over the next several days about the loss of life in this town alone and the personal and business financial hardships the flooding caused made me take a … Read more

Kelly Loves Black Cock!

Kelly Loves Black Cock! By daydriver2010 I was not one to get crazy over working out everyday but I did always look forward to my twice-monthly visit to my favorite spa inside our Manhattan health club. The most unbelievable visit of my life happened last week. After enjoying a very relaxing, full-body massage from some … Read more


“If there is a universal mind, must it be sane?” -Damon Knight. Often misattributed to Charles Fort. *** December, 1967. West Virginia: The knock came at midnight. Klein answered; it was the man in the black suit. He came into the motel room, closed the door, and handed Klein a stack of papers. “You’ll be … Read more

Drive-in Jammin’

I’d never been friendly with a black girl before but Tamara was different, not only different from any black girl I’d ever met but different from any white girl, as well. Some of it might have been that she grew up in Jamaica and had a lilting British/Caribbean accent that didn’t seem as threatening as … Read more

The Family BBC – Chapter 2

As I was toweling myself, leaving one dry for him, he entered the tiny room. “Not enough space to hump a chicken in!” He snorted a laugh. “I’m leaving.” I meant I was going to get my clothes, keys, purse and drive away. “You better be here when I get out of the shower.” He … Read more

Home Invasion_(4)

Charlene let out a low wistful moan as she awoke, stretching out catlike under her covers as she blinked wearily, rolling sideways some to look towards her clock, feeling her massive, soft breasts shift in her loose tank top as she rolled. Blinking against the light of her clock she squinted, it’s green led digits … Read more

The Live-in Nurse and My Wife

It started with a really bad skiing accident. I broke my leg in several places and tore most of the ligaments holding my knee together. I was put in a hip-to-toe cast–a rotten souvenir of our vacation. On our return home, I found I needed a live-in LPN to take care of me. It had … Read more

Commander Vix takes Japan

Gorthan Commander Vix takes control of Japan No one suspected until it was too late. The invasion was perfect, silent, deadly and very discreet. The Gorthan’s didn’t need big space ships, machines of war, or to even fire a single shot. Like many movies had predicted, the invaders were parasites. Maybe it was because of … Read more

Handy Helper

Well, Murph had really done it this time. His hopes for a downhill ski-racing medal in the Winter Olympics were shattered, as were both of his arms. It had happened fast, he was setting a record pace until his ski hit a mogul the wrong way and sent him sailing into the air and tumbling … Read more

Blues Woman

All right, let me give you a little background. It all started when my girlfriend of three years left me for my best friend. A week later I lost my job. That part really wouldn’t have bothered me if Jenny hadn’t left. But it was really the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to … Read more

Prim Miss Robinson and the Namingu warriors

“Kigali!” I shouted delightedly as a beaming black face emerged from a mud hut, “How the devil are you?” “Mister Carstairs,” he replied, “Trust you to appear when the fighting is over.” “Home office orders,” I explained, “Not allowed in war zones, but how the devil are you and what happened, I thought this was … Read more

Lucky Josh part 6

Their peaceful hug was disturbed by the door opening and Sam coming in. Josh looked over Danni’s shoulder and smiled at Sam, happy to see her. Catching his gaze Sam saw his emotional state and the sparkle that came to his eyes when she entered, he was really happy to see me she thought and … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 27

Writer’s Note’s: Due to real life this will be the last post for about a few weeks due to Internet. So once I have Internet again I will post the next chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience. Now I give you Chapter 27. Mandy’s POV: “ Jasmine and everyone I would like to introduce our father … Read more